I heard that a girl bleeds when she have sex for the first time. is that true?

im kind of panicky to do it with my boyfriend motivation he is pretty big and scared of getting blood adjectives over the place.is it like that or is only just a little blood?

Thrush or utinary tract infection?

It honestly depends on the girl. Some bleed a bit, some bleed alot, and others don't bleed at all. It adjectives depends on the thickness of your hymen and if it have been broken formerly (which can happen formerly a girl even starts to think give or take a few sex)

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If you're scared and not sure of the consequences, later don't do it. Some bleed and some don't.

I dont want to make something out of nought but?

If you're scared you shouldnt do it but most girls do bleed the first 2 or 3 times they hav sex. it basically depends on the amount. If you dont want blood all over the place try putting a towel lower than you

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I agree with KS. If you aren't sure just about sex, or you're scared, give an account him you want to wait some more. There's no problem beside waiting.

As far as the bleeding goes, some do and some don't. Also, the first time can be discomfited. Make sure you're able to transmit your boyfriend if it hurts or you're uncomfortable. And please be safe and sound. Use condoms.

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First of all, devise this out ALOT! Are you wanting to do this for yourself, or to please him? Whatever it is, he needs to be easy-going. I bled the first 5 times that I had sex. And it's not alot. Just close to if you picked a sore and it bled. it's kinda pink in color. Please think this over earlier you do it. It's about the solely thing within life that you enjoy left that YOU control.

Condom Slipped Inside?

it depends on the girl. some girls don't bleed at adjectives. when i had sex for the first time i did bleed, and it be a significant ammount. enough to stain a towel pretty weakly. to be on the safe side produce sure you put down an old towel down on the bed or surface you plan to own sex on. that way you won't achieve blood everywhere.

I need to Know?

Only if the girls "hyman" is contained by tact.In other words,if nothing have been inside you or you haven't broken it thru physical activies,you should have nominal bleeding when you lose your cherry...matured Master

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it's just a tad and internal, but if u enjoy used a tampon before it wont hurt or be as bloody.

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It really depends on the girl, i didn't bleed my first time, but i have friends who did. If ur still afraid of the consequences, don't enjoy sex yet. But anything u decide to do is ur choice.

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well, sometimes if he's big and you're a bit too tight next yea you might bleed

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