First time sex hurt a great deal?

my aunt says it hurt profoundly...she was dieing next to pain...immediately, i m married..going to have sex next to my husband...i m very afraid.i m idea to escape....i m very afraid....will it really hurt greatly that i will feel i m dieing?

Is within any way I can stop my extent without birth control pills?

The first time a girl or woman have intercourse, the husband's penis will rupture, or break the hymen in your vaginal canal. It is a impressively thin tissue, covering the entrance to the vagina.(It shows your husband that you are a virgin! A extraordinarily nice thing for you save yourself for only him!!))It usually will merely be a little pinch, and possibly you will see a small spotting of blood.But, if it is really painful, and if you hold no spotting, it's possible that your hymen is too thick to be broken by newly the insertion of the penis. This happened to me, and my Gyn Doctor 'popped' it within his office, during a gyn exam, beside a small instrument, called a "dilator".It didn't hurt, and after that, intercourse wasn't tender.Also, since you are a virgin, your vagina hasn't been stretched at adjectives, and if you are not lubricated very ably, in your vagina, when your husband tries to enter you, it will hurt.The vaginal muscles can tighten, or loosen, depending on the skill and leniency of your partner. Hopefully, your husband is a gentle, sensitive man, and know that caressing, sweet murmurs contained by your ear, and general foreplay are an unqualified MUST before anything can be expected to enter the vaginal smoothly! If you are tense, anxious and worried, intercourse will not be pleasant. Talk to your husband,...make clear to him you are a virgin, and ask him if he knows what that vehicle for you physically.If you are both virgins, get some books,...or step on the internet,...there is tons of flawless advice for any uninitiated sexual partner to make even your first experience a gorgeous one! If this still isn't enough, in attendance are lots of lubricants you can buy,...just don't use one that will lead to a condom to break, if that is a birth control method you are using.Vaseline is bad---try K-y jelly, or the newer ones they hold now.(..Ask a female Pharmacist...she'll be a big help!)
Good Luck! There are lots of us cheering you on.and your husband will surprise you,...don't be afraid to speech to him,...after all, must love respectively other, and being married is wonderful if you can vote anything to him, and vice-versa! He might as well obtain used to sharing everything now, recent times wait until he see his child being born! He'll be amazed at how wonderful an experience it is for you both to share,...and he'll never forget that first glimpse of his tot actually mortal born!

Do you have to dawdle in til your length finished to have a full hysterectomy?

Yeah rite, itll perceive so good u'll forget what stomach-ache is! Have fun!

When i have a migrane why do i perceive so sick?

It will hurt, and burn a little but you will go and get used to it. So dont freak out.

I have thought going on for getting a nipple ring - Help?


Women only pleasssseeeeee relieve.?

Use lots of lube, and go slow. You'll be loving it in no time!

Why do i maintain getting thrush?

h e l l yea it does. good luck

How long can i linger to get my third HPV inoculation?

Of course not :)

The most people usually perceive during their first time is slight discomfort that usually goes away vigorously, or at least gone by the second time.

Don't verbs have fun.

For how long should I bring anticonceptive pills, without a healt risk?

dont do it afterwards.

Can anyone advise me if laser spike removal for PCOS sufferers is available on the NHS in the UK?

It depends. Dont verbs about it, a moment ago ask him to be gentle.

How do i concordat with sudden excessive spike loss?

go slow and wallow in the ride.

Make certain your husband know you are concerend and to proceed with counsel. If he is right for you, he'll respect your wishes.

Plenty of foreplay helps!

How do you lose freight in a week?

You will not grain like your dieing.

I get hit in the ovaries could i loose the babe?

nnoooooooo it doesnt hurt that much.. its just sore becuz its ur first... it will catch better over time.

Bleeding but not a period?

not resembling your dying! just a sting

Yasmin birth control pill ?

yea it will but thank god hes your husband you can pratice adjectives you want

What causes TSS?

it didnt hurt me...

I purely started taking Kariva low dose birth control 3 weeks ago.. Has anyone experienced crazy mood changes?

It will hurt deeply. Tell him to keep that entity to himself, you didn't sign on for that. There is nothing fun roughly sex, it's purely so you can get knock up...which will hurt even more.

Is there any other women out near that has experienced this problem?

It is akward cramp, nothing horrible. It will be worth it.

How do I back extra skin on the belly?

No, it doesn't hurt. It can be more uncomfortable if you are not turned on, the wetter you are down near the more enjoyable it will be.

It can be self-conscious the first time but if you relax and have some foreplay near your husband first, you will have a completely pleasurable experiance.

Why is that when its time for my period i attain sores?

You're married and haven't done it yet?

Shut up. You're 14 and yes you'll discern like you're DYING.

Are here pills i can take?

it should hurt but dying beside pain? it doesnt hurt that much it may be self-conscious but not excruisatingly painful.

I 'm going for a colposcopy. Should i be anxious?

I think your Aunt is only just trying to scare you. It is rather uncomfortable, but nothin similar to what your aunt is saying. Just be prepared for a bit of blood from your hymen if it have never broke before (I broke mine when in level 8 from strenuous sports). You will be fine. Good luck!

I HATE my height!Whats wrong beside me!HELP?

It may hurt the first 2 or 3 times but after that it dont hurt. You will be fine. Just tell hubby to pocket it easy impose your scared.

Should i be worried if one and only one of my ovaries hurts when i have cramps?

Relax and savour.The 2nd 3rd etc times will be even better.Congratulations on you marriage.

Do you still have need of a pap smear after you have have a hysterectomy?

It won't hurt that much!

For the first time, I advise you don't straigh for the "home run". Instead, hold your DH do a lot of masturbation on you. Also, own him do a lot of oral.

That will "loosten" ya up. It works almost everytime when the DW is somewhat tight.

How do I increase my libido or sex drive?

It shouldn't feel similar to you're dying. If it's his first time too then it probably won't even concluding long enough to end in much pain. I don't show that badly, for you it will be perfect so then you both will "break in" to the complete sex thing together.

Are smear test only for if you are a sexually stirring person?

explain your worries to him so he know your scared. also construct your foreplay last, this will prepare your vagina, it will obtain more lubed up and elongate. if he knows what he is doing it will solitary hurt for a moment, and then it will start to surface very enormously good

Bleeding After Sex?

You're married and never have sex? Well heck you went that long, why not linger a little longer. And don't verbs the 1st time doesn't hurt at all....for the guy.

Why do I attain terrible headache before my spell?

It's what you make it and how rough he is beside you.

What is the problem when one complains of one particular side hurting?

My first time didn't hurt a bit. It depends on how in the mood you return with before you step for it. Also, I got on top, so that may hold helped. Taking control help me with my fears.
If you use tampons, here's a good hit and miss that your hymen is stretched or already broken, which could lessen pain as resourcefully. Just take it slow, and relish yourself, and you probably won't have much dull pain if any.

Do any of you ladies know of any exercises a woman can do during pregnancy?

I wouldn't go by what anyone is clich?? to you. Everyone feels differently something like sex and for a womans first time, no one ever feel the same course about it. I would only just tell your husband that you are concerned more or less your first time and that he's going to have to bring it really slow. You're never really going to know until you actually do it.

I wouldn't ask to masses people what they cogitate because you're going to get mixed answers close to you are now and afterwards you really won't want to do it. I would just do it and achieve it over with so you're not stressing your self out anymore.

Best of Luck!

The contraceptive Pill?

No it doesn't hurt, singular for a little bit, considering the obedient feeling sensation, it in reality overpower the hurting part. LOL, i'm sure you'll delight in it, do't be afraid

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