Do you still obligation a pap smear after you have have a hysterectomy?


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It depends on which type of hysterectomy you have have. If you had a "total" hysterectomy, they hold removed your cervix (the area the Dr. swabs during a pap smear), or a "partial", which routine they did not remove your cervix.

If you had a partial, your cervix remains, thus you are still at risk for cervical cancer and involve to have a pap smear every twelve months.

I think i may enjoy a prolapsed cervix, is this serious?

If you didn't have the hysterectomy for cancer reason. You still need annual pelvic exam.

Does breast exercises put together breasts larger?how should i do them?

depends on several factors, discuss this near your gyn instead of YA

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after my girlfriend have a hysterectomy,they told her she wouldnt need to enjoy anymore pap smears.they took the whole 9 yard,ovaries and everything.

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