Why do i hold getting thrush?

I get it treated like every month, but it comes pay for. Why? i pass it on to my man and he have to use cream for a week to get rid. Its really putting a strain on our love go as i cant have sex because of the cuts around my vagina and the burning when he pulls out. We cant Evan bequeath him faletio as he has cream canesten cream on it adjectives the time HELP?

What makes ur boobs bigger?

Talk to your Doctor something like getting a prescription for Diflucan for both of you. Some say it can not be transmitted spinal column and forth, I believe that it can and so do many others. Ya, it is no fun have any oral contact with the cream and it undeniably is not pleasant having an infection.

Since it sounds similar to it is pretty strong in your system, see if you can attain 2 or three pills for start. If mine is bad I stipulation that, but if I stay on top of it than one will do the duty. If I don't have my period than i don't get them and I used to go and get them back and forth beside my husband.

Good luck, hope you get it cleared up soon so you can enjoy fun, fun, fun!!

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