Bleeding After Sex?

Just curious if anyone knows some possible cause of bleeding after sex. I have be married for 7 years and over a year ago I started having this problem. I hold been to my doctor several times. I've be tested for STD's and I have none. I hold had an ultasound to see if I enjoy ovarian cysts and I don't. I have be on all different kind of meds for infections and I still have the problem. My doctor is getting frustrated because he can't amount it out and I am going crazy. Any ideas?

Hi everybody i would similar to to know which TAMPONS are for VIRGINS:) oooops:)?

Try another doctor. I had a problem several years ago and my regular doctor could not clear it up. We tried adjectives kinds of treatments and medication. Finally, out of frustration I go to a different obgyn. She knew what the problem be, it took several tries but we found the right dosage of medication and corrected the problem.

Good luck!

Morning-After Pill?

I would advise to look for another doctor, swift!

Bacterial Vaginosis herbal treatment?

I have like problem but I have Endrometriosis as very well as an ovarian cyst...maybe you should see a different Doctor. If you own really heavy period with severe cramping the Endrometriosis could be a possibility. God Bless You and I hope you procure some answers soon.

Any remidies besides pain killer to help time pain?

Maybe your hubby is a bit too energetic? Maybe you have endometriosis? Get a second judgment. Sometimes when you go to one and the same doctor over a period of time, he misses things that another doctor might spot right away.

When should u start?

That happen to me when I had Gotten chlamydia from my long permanent status boyfriend. I know that you say that you have been tested but matching hing happened to me. I be diagonsed with bladder infections, yeast infections, and the in one piece time it was his cheating @**. I Hope this is not your overnight case but do check it out.

Here's some other causes

Why whenever your cycle comes down your stomach cramps?

It might be endometriosis , endometrial hypersplasis.

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