is it normal for when u first start your interval to get another term 1 wk and 4 days after your earlier one done? Help! im scared to extermination!

Any advice on time problem?

As I said to someone else yesterday, when I first started my periods they be really irregular. So much so that I would get 2 inwardly 3 weeks or alternatively skip 2 months. I evened out in the winding up, mine took about 4 years. I've since started on the pill and it help a lot, but only just wait it out and be prepared.

Does anyone know what this could imply?


I'm 15 and i just get my period, i am totally flat, do breasts/height sometimes develop after your extent?

The first period yes. If its a repeated entity, see a gyno.

If somone grab you and melseed you and you are 14 and you know who it is and you are going to the doctor for?

Its okay, you wont die. Go relay your mom.

REALLY short period?

dont verbs, when i first started getting mine, i got it twice surrounded by one month.
when u first start, ur periods will be irregular, but after a while ur cycle will become more regular.

Is it because im slimish?

Everyone is different, so it is sturdy to say. I would stir visit a doctor.

Lately I own been?

Your first few cycles will be unpredictable, it take time for everything to fall into a rhythm.Relax it'll straighten out soon.

Serious Question 1st party 2 give justifiable answer=10pts.?

very normal, mine be like 2 and a partially weeks witch sucks

Plan b and period?

If your babyish it's very adjectives to have wacky period for the first year or so after your first period. Mine did that for a long time.
Eventually your body will digit things out. If it goes on for longer than a year or if it's not the first year of your length and it continues to happen you should travel see a doctor about it.

How to prevent degrading moment in sex from scheduled again?!?

Don't be scared. All a time of year is, is blood sluffing off the inside layer of the uterus. Maybe you have profoundly of build up. If it keeps on to long, step see a gyn.

Is 13 too young too masturbate?

Hi. Not to verbs. Try not to be scared. We tend to 'receive scared' when we don't have a handle on what's happening around or to us. Sounds close to you just obligation some more information. What you're experiencing is completely normal for 'you', especially when a young-looking woman is just starting to own her 'periods'. For some girls, it may lift a year or more to establish what their own menstrual cycles are. Not every girl has a extent EVERY 4 weeks. For some, it may be 5 weeks, for others 3. Chances are you're 'spotting'; not really having a 'valid flow'. It's just your body's course of getting regulated; finding its own rhythm. However, if you are experiencing HEAVY bleeding, you may need to natter to your mom or another older woman you trust and have a feeling comfortable talking to in the order of such things; even your school nurse can be long-suffering. You might need to see your people doctor. If you are worried, talk to your mom or a trusted fully developed. Sometimes our teenage friends aren't other the best source of information; they're 'learning' basically like you are.

Why does my v surface wider?

Nah, sweetie, you don't have to be alarmed to death.

Here's something I found for you to read :

What is A Period?
A length is a part of the menstrual cycle when the gummy uterine lining and extra blood are shed through the vaginal waterway. Periods can be light, moderate, or filling, and the menstrual blood that is shed can field from a few tablespoons to a 1/2 cup per period. This can ebb and flow from girl to girl, and it can vary from extent to period for matching girl. Many girls experience a light flow for the first sunshine or two, then a heavier flow, followed by another muted day. Some girls own a heavy flow on the first year. For the first few years after you start menstruating, your period may be really irregular. How old is a girl when she get her first period? In the United States, the average age a girl starts menstruating is 12. However, this does not aim that all girls start at duplicate age. A girl can begin menstruating anytime between the ages of 8 and 16. Menstruation will not ensue until all parts of a girl's reproductive system hold matured and are working together. This time in a young womans natural life is called "puberty."

You can find this, and much more, on the following site :
http://womenshealth.going on for.com/cs/menstru...

Good luck!!

I'm bloated!?

OMG Sarah i didn't know you started your period..ya know u could hold just asked me..ya little wierdo!LOL..Anyways..yeahh it's average my first one lasted similar to 5 days n the next one come like 2 weeks subsequently..trust me it's fine..n i had question too.Why not just ask your mom?I asked my mom.I am sure she'd relief.Anyways..I'mma gonna go..Lylas..please talk to me..lol..anyways..ttyl..lylas.
All the love I can proposal,
Samantha Nicole ____(())

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