First extent stories?


Cramping, dizziness, nauseous after sex.?

i remeber i be in the 7th level i was hangin next to my girls we where celebrateing my 13th birthday at my friends house she threw a susprise birthday get-together for me what a great gift when my term horomones called happen i went to use the bathroom and found blood i stuffed toilet treatise but I was contained by the bathroom for a long time with mixed atmosphere so my friends om knocked on the door and asked me what is going on resourcefully about a mintue following I opened the door and told what happen she gave me a wipe I was surrounded by gym in my freshmen year of soaring school and the nurse wrote me out a elapse and the teacher said im glad your a women presently Even to this day at 16 years matured a 10th grader I have a personal trainer who is a dude a few months ago i asked the front counter girl if i could enjoy a bag to throw up contained by for some reason i throw during my length sometimes he said i am not going to train you if you dont feel resourcefully i had to explain it to him i nwas so embrassed i sometimes saunter in the gym near bad days and he asks Liz do you hold your period but? even i got my time of year unexpectually comes at school and one time something like a month ago I had to hail as my mom from work so she could bring me pads and pant one of the students who works in the front bureau said im looking for Liz Hanley there be a pair of black of jeans and a three pad every one saw it was so embrassing .

Is 5 inches the average penis size for a 14 year dated?

as i sayed i'm ten ande i'm not used to it at adjectives! i leaked at conservatory but my friends watch out for me! so find a correct friend my mom told EVERYBODY that i was on it!

Brown spots?


My spell has a remarkably noticable fishy smell. Should I take Diflucan for the odor?

when i first get my period i be home alone and i went to the bathroom and when i wipe myself i seen a tiny bit of blood i know it was my extent but i wasen't happy give or take a few it i was cracked i didn't want it my period at adjectives, there be no pads with the sole purpose tampons and i didn't wanna use them so i called my mom at the fishing rod and told her that i needed pads i be so embarrassed , what made it worse be the next morning i went over my aunts house and she sing a song to me about self a women i was so disconcerted

For the ladies/Ob's/Gyn's. Is having a masculine OBGYN really awkward?

well i took a nap at my house after i get home from school. i slept or 3 hours and when i woke up here was blood adjectives over my underwear and my jeans. the bad subdivision was we run out of pads and it be like 8 at darkness. i had to ure tolit rag for a pad til the subsequent day. i even have to use tolit paper at institution cuz my mom was gonna buy pad after school. i get a period stain on my pant and had to run to the nurse. all she have left be tampons and i was not gonna use them. so i go to the office to attain a pair of jeans. they be all sizes too big or too small. so that be the worst day ever

Period Question HELP?

I be lucky when my period come. I had the flu so I stayed home from arts school and that very morning it started. I be so surprised I didnt know what to do, so i called my mom into the bathroom and asked her to rob me to the doctor. She laughed and told me it be normal and afterwards went and get me a pad. I be sick and had vile menstrul cramps. It sucked.

What r the systems for starting your period?

well i get mine when i was 11 within the six grade. i stayed after academy with a friend to assist a teacher near work(something we always did) and i didnt acquire home until 7:00 at night and when i showed up the cops be at my house because my mom was anxious and worried becuse i usaully called. powerfully she was yell and screaming at me and i told her i was at institution and she didnt believe me, so she said she was gonna christen first thing surrounded by the morning. then an hour following i went to the hip bath room and saw that there be blood everywhere and i went to my mom and said " guess what", "i get my period" and she started screaming again saying "you reflect on this is funny" and blah blah blah. so then i showed my mom my pant and she said " oh my god... did anybody touch you, and you're not telling me". and after that i never toldmy mom when i get my period and i don't assume she even knew when, because it be embarressed. and come to find out she thought i lost my virginity.

How can i tell when shes in position.?

I started on christmas. not so great of a gift huh? i suprised me and my mom kept asking if i be OK. EMBARRISING!( the whole people was there)

Allergic to birth control? or food allergy?

my mom kept asking me how i feel and everything, i was LIKE AHHH LEAVE ME ALONE IM FINE.

Girls ONLY!!?

i first get mine when i was at arts school. i was contained by the 7th grade and my best friend have already got it. anyway....when i go to the bathroom i saw a tiny bit of blood on my panties oh thought to my self "oh my gosh i think i get my period". so i put a pad on and go to tell my friend. she be happy that i have got it. i be kind of beaming but kind barmy too.

Vaginal Bleeding during intercourse?

i was at academy..i went to the restroom and notice some brown spots on my underwear...i didnt think twice going on for it...i came final later to check on it and i have a TON of blood down there..worthy thing i be wearing a panty liner came by suprise

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