Any advice on interval problem?

Im 18 and started my periods when i be 9. They have never be clockwork regular but in the later 2-3yrs have become really irregular,i enjoy gone 40days and more in between cycles at times. Before i enjoy my period, the 2 weeks i catch bad acne and hot flashes, i also catch very unbelievably very wild and weepy sometimes, so bad that i cant stir to class or do normal day by day activities. The stimulating symptoms aren't present at every period but when i dont own them they're replaced by very impossible cramps for the first 2-3days. About 3yrs ago i got a hugely bad distress in my lower stomach, so impossible that i passed out for a few minutes and i was fine afterwards, my length started the day after. Im wondering is this common or not and has anyone else have this sort of confusing (and very frustrating) time on their length and could the pain a few years ago be related to my extraordinarily irregular periods. Im a virgin and haven't be to the doctor about this apart from the touching stuff. Any advice would be great, tha

Help me get the message periods?

Lots of women are never regular - I would suggest that you dance to your doc & get on the pill - it will abet so you know when to expect what. Don't look at it as birth control - which many culture do, especially parents - it's a period regulator. The backache that made you pass out is disturbing - you could own a cyst. I have other had awfully bad cramps that I lug prescription drugs for - this is an option. PMS is also remarkably comon & if you get your cycle beneath contol it may lessen in severity. Please see your GYN, they can't back if they don't know you are having a problem.

How do i do this?

the simply and best advice i could provide you is, see your doc asap.

Mom of B & D

Himerging? quesitons?

honey you get to the doctor ASAP you should own been for regular check ups formerly this and mention all this to the doctor write it down so you don't forget. These are not run of the mill for a young woman.


long ask, short answer. -> birth control pills

What could be the cause of intense backache in the bottom of my tummy along beside frequent passing of urine?

I generally don't recommend birth control pills, but it sounds like you requirement to visit a doctor and see what they contemplate about going on the pill. Usually the pill have some icky side effects, but nothing as desperate as what you are describing. You shouldn't have to step through that, and I am amazed at your fortitude!

Good luck, you've been totally brave.

What are the symptoms of impending menopause?

Some women never become regular. If you enjoy symptoms as bad as ratification out & bad mood swings it might be worth going to the docs to look at going on the pill. It isn't merely used for contraception, its used for this very purpose. My friend suffered through institution similarly to your symptoms & the doc put her on the pill at 14. As long as you have regular blood pressure checks, smears & use barricade contraception as well (when you do appendage up having sex) the pill isn't a desperate choice

I've been have horrible backpain? what could this be?

i'm a little younger than 18, but i hold sevre pains in my ovaries, you may an ovarian cist, or my condition thatmeans the white part of your egg is gone inside the ovary causing spasm (corpuslutcium), it can also cause hormanal inbalance and irregular period . you may need an ultrasound scan and embezzle feminax, a pain slaughterer for period pains. i am on the pill and it sorted the problem right up, but you definatley entail to see a doctor about it, if it is your ovary consequently the pill is definaltely the way to step, if not the the docotr should know how to sort the problem with a immediate ultrasound or othre treatments.

Women, can yall please help me?

tell adjectives of this to your doctor. doesn't sound typical at all. i know i obtain very desperate cramps where i fell similar to i am going to pass out, so i hav to lay down. it could be something similar to endometriosis. tell a gynocologist whats going on. i give somebody a lift prescription pain medication and i perceive 50 times better

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