
I have sex on november 11th of 2006. Ive have a run of the mill term since, and no symptoms really. I also took 3 pregnancy test, adjectives of them cynical. What symptoms should i be expiriencing at this point, 9-10 weeks? My mom said i should be grossed out by greasy foods, approaching bacon, but im not.

pregnancy please back !?

Well, seeing as you own have a common spell, 3 glum test and no symptoms; I'd say-so it's undamaging to read aloud you're not pregnant. When be your most recent refusal theory test? If you're unquestionably sure you are pregnant, see a doctor to go and get a blood tryout.

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I never have any symptoms near any of my never know...everyone is different....

Side effects or pregnant?

You already have a time of year and took three test so you are not pregnant.

WHy am I not have my length?

If you've have a mundane term, no signs of pregnancy and three distrustful pregnancy test after why do you suggest you are pregnant?

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youre not prego :-)

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Well, if you're have a common cycle of menstruation and pregnancy test that indicated refusal, later I don't feel you're pregnant. if you want to be sure though, it's best to walk to the doctor and own them do a pregnancy interview on you.

Will It Come Soon.?

you are not pregnant

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No symptoms, middle-of-the-road time, and unenthusiastic check results? Why do you regard as you're pregnant?

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You are not pregnant. Stop obsess. Use protection and take on near your duration. You dodged the bullet this time.

Laparoscopy, gynecological exploratory?

Did your parents hide away you underneath a rock as a small child? if you own have your interval you are NOT pregnant you fool. The judgment for a interval is to provide for the babe-in-arms to start. Its when you dont bring back your interval after have unprotected sex that you frenzy... How outdated are you?!

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noone have answered any of my question?

You're not pregnant so even if you do grasp grossed out etc. it wont expect anything.

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have sex a few more times, after the pregnancy test might start showing positive, if you don't hold the guy anymore I might know how to sustain (as long as your not a fatty)

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Well afterwards ur not pregnant.

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I enjoy to agree beside the others, you are not pregnant. Your mother can't be too smart any if she think you are too.
Go to a doctor if you so insist that you are pregnant. If your oral exam comes out cynical thru him and you still don't believe it, step see a psychiatrist!

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hmmmm..but/or/is ur bf own ejaculate on ur **...if yes...pregnancy go vomiting and drinking too much food...ur [email protected]

Girls simply! Tampon assist!?

You should conspicuously be getting positive pregnancy test at this point. The average home pregnancy oral exam picks up HCG level of 100mIU/ml and at 9-10 weeks, the plane of a vigorous pregnancy would be somewhere between 25,700 - 288,000 hCG surrounded by mIU/ml. I could see you might hold one unsound testing that give a false cynical, but three verify you are not pregnant.

But lately surrounded by luggage, the symptoms are appreciably, missing your extent. Sore breasts, nouns, and some women carry queasiness, heartburn and vomiting starting around 6 weeks. your breasts will also obtain larger.

Is it true?

If you want to be pregnant keep hold of trying, plainly you're not immediately!

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what make you judge you're pregnant? I don`t know you basically desire you be? if you've have a ordinary time of year, took 3 pregnancy test that be distrustful..and enjoy no're not pregnant.

what could I enjoy?

sounds close to you are not pregnant. Home pregnancy test are usually moderately accurate. Especially since you enjoy have your extent since you've have sex second. You probably missed a extent or two for hormonal reason or stress. If you still meditate you are pg, move about to the doctor for a blood oral exam.

is this a time? or is this spotting?

I would say aloud that you are not pregnant. Signs of untimely pregnancy, nausea/vomiting, sore breasts, fatigue, frequent urination, shortness of breath.

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