A interview around how boobs are supposed to be?

well is it normal to own like
fat going from your breast, beneath your arm to your back
its hard to explain
its close to
its like you have lubricant on the side of your breast
its not your actual breast but its like on the side and it hands
in recent times answer if you can

Liquid resembling discharge?

Rule of thumb is, if one side is grossly different than the other, it could be a problem and get it checked out. Otherwise its average body fat.

Females just please!?

YEA thats normal usually the bra might be too tight or thats is in recent times the body type of the girl working out with small weights will cause that podgy on your side to go away i use to have that when I be a teen but now I'm 22 and as you mature as long as you own a healthy weight it should start to move about away

I'm an elephant and my boyfriend is to small for me to lay higher than him :(?

Yes that is normal. The single way you dont have to be exact if they are fake. Any normal soul who is not skinny skinny will have that. It sucks but is natural!!

Major extent lend a hand!!?

if youre discussion about the fat that close to hangs over the side of some girls' bras on the side and back after yeah its normal. it just depends on your body type and adjectives that.

Bloating? How grasp rid of it?

Breast tissue extends from your breast to your armpit. Under your arm and to the back is just solid, not breast tissue

Can you still find Ovulation pains when you're on the Contraceptive Pill ??

If you are standing up and have folds anywhere but under your breasts, and your butt cheeks, after you are overweight.

I took plan b a week ago.?

Its called "Side boobage"

totally normal.

Ive be peeing I travel I still be aware of approaching I hold to be in motion again approaching ive be holding it forever could i be pregnan?

yeah its ordinary.. kindu like love handles but not really.

Loestrin 24 Birth Control Question?

yeah do you hold a picture, cause i cant visualize it.

MASTURBATION doesnt even discern GOOD to me!?!?


Why would I suddenly start spotting in the past my spell?

do you have a picture??

Am I or NOT?

yes, it technique you need to work out!

Tampon Question!?

no it looks ugly

Is this mundane?

if you are overweight i guess?

Extremely sore breasts from BCP... what can I do?

sounds like u need to walk on a diet!

Is what you describe the gynecologist confidential?

Oversized labia?
The Pill??
Libia narrowing?
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