Why is it?

I have a niggle in my right paw side abdominal. When ever I go to the restroom it feel a little better. It is not down where on earth my panies cover its more to the side like right where on earth ur hip bone starts. I am not having hip problems s to be precise not it what could it be?
I sometimes get dull pain on my left side.
I hold a doctors appointment tomorrow, but i want to know what could be causing this?
Oh yea i am 13 and if you stipulation to know my weight I am 72 4'10

Cerazzete pill?

I go to the doctor for this simular thing also...for me it be a inflammed bladder. The doctor prescribed me some expensive anitbiotics...but actually pure cranberry juic (NOT the cocktails!) works a moment ago fine...usually this happens when we enjoy *ahem* too much pops and kool-aids and not enough marine...hope its nothing to serious but its great you're getting it checked...

Birth control cross-question.?

It could be a bladder irritation, or it could be inflammation of the ureters (the tubes running from the kidneys to the bladder), or it could be your appendix, or it could be your ovaries getting ready to start cycling, or it could be gas.

Whatever it is, worthy luck.

Whats one good opening to stop cramps and growing pains?

You are 13 and weigh 72 pounds OMG I'm 12 and I weigh about 100 pounds I have a feeling fat now
Go to the website below to ask iris she will e-mail you hindmost!


Is it good to go and get the mirena iud if i dont have any kids some one told me in that is a?

It could be appendicitis or you could have a cyst on your ovary. I have the same point happen a few months ago and mine be appendicitis. They removed my appendix and now I surface a lot better.

Good Luck

Can a inbalance hormones prevent pregnances?

Does it hurt more when you press in near your hand or when releasing it. If it hurt more when you release it afterwards it might be your appendicitis. Specially since it is on your right hand side abdominal that might be the travel case.

Is there anyway to loose for a time weight healthily?

You could hold a bladder infection or appendicitis.

Anyone else have a merina coil?

you are 13 so your body is still varying.How about lower backpain,could be your kidneys .do you drink satisfactory water during daytime and dont hold your pee.a full blatter can cause some agony and discomfort aswell.How is school,is nearby any stress,it can cause adjectives kinds of distress in your body and organs but its appropriate you go and see a doctor.I hope its nil serious.How about your eating-habits,does anguish get worse after intake,stay away from fatty foods and try little amounts of food and eat 4 or 5 times during the sunshine,no food after 8 pm and chew your food even it seems you are chewing forever,they voice each bite take 100 movements,keep it within mind.

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