Birth control query.?

What is the best birth control pill?

Omg, took long enough for someone to awareness my nicknamelol?

Your doctor is the one who puts you on the right birth control pills. From my experience and many other women, STAY AWAY FROM DEPO PROVERA!

What the hell is this? Please back!?

There are many different types you want to speak to your doctor to find the best one for you.

Am i going to grow?

depending on your age I would suggest the depo shot---it has indistinguishable affect as the pill---but you dont have to remember to filch it every day..I meditate you have to enjoy the shot once every 6 months.

Healthcare Professionals Only Please?

Only your doctor can answer that question for you.It depends on different things.It took 4 different kind and strengths before my doctor found the best one for me.Talk to you doctor and realize it may purloin awhile before the best one is found for you.

Period interrogate (women/girls only)?

I take Yasmin. It's the one birth control pill that doesn't engender you gain weight. I've used it for nearly three years and I love it. I never get cramps anymore. It also cleared my skin profusely, and again, I don't gain weight from it, whereas other culture gain weight near their birth control pills. I would highly suggest it.

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It's different for every woman. What works well for me might not work capably for you and vice versa. Go see your doctor and ask her to reccomend a pill or other method that would be good for you.(based on your medical history, immensity, age, family history, etc.)

That anyone said, I have hear horror stories about LoEstrin (the one that's supposed to net your period one and only last 3 days) from everyone I know that's ever used it. Same deal-bled adjectives month long. Wouldn't reccomend trying that one.

I like Ortho Tri-Cyclen Lo, I've be taking it for about 8 months immediately, but it may or may not work for you. I went through several different pills formerly I found one that worked for me. I used the NuvaRing for a year and I liked that as in good health.

Good luck :)

Brusing ?

Tough question, it adjectives depends on how your body reacts to different things. Yasmin have worked well for me, but is drastically pricey if you dont have insurance.

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I agree with the STAY AWAY FROM DEPO. It cause a lot of crap to transpire to your body. I was on it for FOUR years and in that is only one upright thing in the region of the shot, and that is no period and its only given once every three months. There are sooo masses negatives, I can't believe they still hold it for use on women! Weight gain, mood swings, loss of libido, etc. You need a bone density check after five years since it screw with bone form, etc.

I am on Kariva (pill) and have have no horrid side affects.

You would have to consult beside your doctor and they will help you choose next to method of birth control is for you.

If they offer up depo, vote NO!

Are the dangers of Plan B true?

The Mirena IUD is by far the best prospect for most women. It has an impressive rate of over 99%. Better than a vacestomy. I have have mine for about 6 months and love it.

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