I have pressure close to pain surrounded by my lower stomach during sex and have nausea after. Also I enjoy burning when I pee

I've never had majority periods. I enjoy a 21 month old. I have the Iud until 2 months ago. Since I don't have a interval, I don't know if I miss it or if I'm late. I've taken a cheap pregnancy experiment and it said negative. I own pressure like throbbing in my lower stomach during sex and enjoy nausea afterwords. It also burns when I go to the bathroom after sex. I own cramps in my legs and lower backbone. I'm worried this could be something other than pregnancy. Anyone else have these problems before? Any concept of what it could be?

Fingering pregnant sore breasts?

It could be an infection, I would go to the doctor as soon as possible. They can do blood work to see if you are pregnant though and also they can check if in that is any infection in your urine.

Anyone knowledgeable going on for PCOS & Hyperthyroidism?

it sounds like a kidney or urinary track infection. i would travel to the doctors.

Cleanliness Question!?

The burning when you pee could possibly be an STD...but some of this sounds like pregnancy too...The best substitute would be to go the Dr and agree to them check you out. Good Luck!

No one answered my freakin question!?

You definately necessitate to go to the doctor! It could be profusely of different things.cists on your ovaries, kidney infection, bladder infection, cancer, yeast infection,STD, etc... The cramps in your legs could be some sort of circulation problem, blood pressure prob.so you see it could be something serious, or something totally easy to fix. Either course, get to the doc and give an account them ALL of your symptoms. Good Luck!

Period late, used a condom?

You may hold a bladder or kidney infection. See a doctor.

HELP ME!! Menstrual Cycle every 17 days? Whats wrong?

It could be a STD, please see a doctor, an untreated STD can cause sterility or worse.

Why am i intake so much. and no im not pregnant.?

Wih the cramps in your legs and lower support, it could be something serious, so you should see a doctor. The burning when you pee could either be an STD or a urinary tract infection both of which can engineer sex uncomfortable and move off you miserable afterwards. Do you have a slimy discharge when you wipe after you pee? If so, consequently you probably have a UTI Urinary Tract Infection. If this is the armour go to your nearest drug store and pick up a bottle of cranberry tablets and a bottle or box of pyrididine tablets they may read aloud urinary pain nouns tablets on the box. Take both of these, according to the package instructions day after day, and continue the cranberry tablets for 5 days after you finish the pyrididine tablets according to carton instructions. the pyrididine tablets will turn your urine a dark orangish rosy color so don't freak out. If you still have niggle after that, see a doctor.

You may also have some built up fecal concern in your system (sometimes that cause all the symptoms you mentioned close to the cramping and the pain, but not the burning). Buy a fleet prep utensils near the enemas it may voice fleet test prep apparatus, and follow all the instructions. For convenience, purchase a regular fleet enema to budge along with it, offer yourself a good verbs out and see what happens.

What is the percentage pregnancy after taking morning-after pill 17hrs after intercourse in 15th time of cycle?

Sounds like a urinary tract infection, but an STD is markedly a possibility. If you have not have these symptoms before, it is best to see your MD for a definitive answer. DO NOT try drug store meds until you see a doc...no point wasting money if it's not a UTI...granted the over the counter meds do work, but most UTIs obligation antibiotics to truly clear up the infection. Also, increase your fluid intake! The leg cramps could be caused by dehydration, which would not assistance you out if you have a UTI!! Good luck

I hold had my term for almost a month!?

Based on the symptoms with your bladder it sounds approaching one part of your problem could be a bladder infection.

I would recommend seeing your dr for further evaluation to see what they reason is going on.

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