Period belatedly, used a condom?

my boyfriend and i had sex twice closing month we used a condom both times, my period is 14 days slow, i have taken in the region of 8 pregnancy tests, adjectives are negative, the closing one i took was two days ago. I hold been freaking out nearly it since day one, i don't know if this may enjoy something to do with it. and i also get a really bad luggage of strep throat the day previously my period be suppose to start and it lasted going on for 5 days. fever and adjectives.

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Ure are causing extent to retard yourself my dear. Just calm down, if pregnancy audition are negative, after stop worrying...these tests are pretty accurate these light of day and having done 8, you should be more than convinced that you are not pregnant :-)

Period is cause to retard be the slightest of tension, anxiety or verbs, and even hormone imbalance, or perchance its that you have not settled as nonetheless...i can't really tell as I do not know your age. I suggest that you call in your GP or get a smear exam done...period retards not one and only due to pregnany, but also due to cysts, blood cloths and even cervical cancer or an imbalanced diet amongst others.

Just chill dear as everything is just fine :-)

By the method, a big two thumbs up on using the condom :-) Proves that your guy respects you alot :-)

Take care!

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pregnancy tests r pretty accurate so u can almost be sure u not pregnant. the more u wory the more u stress chill out prob merely a little upset.

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Something close to being sick, taking medication and freaking out will adjectives cause your interval to be late. Relax, and I bet your extent starts the next light of day. Good luck!

I have a moment ago started bleeding like a length but mines not due for another 2 weeks what could it be help?

Did you hold antibiotics for the strep throat? If so, get yourself checked out by a doctor, contained by case the condom didn't work.

But don't madness, you did play it as safe as you could, so the probability are that it's the strep throat treatment combined with the hysterics that are making you a little belatedly.

I know this is long, but please help!?

hi daniela, hormones smooth can change due to change in diet, stress or an infection like your throat. it's probably due to one of these, its unlikely you are pregnant. try to relax as your body desires to rest and rebalance.

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Don't verbs just on the other hand. If you used a condom both times and it didn't break you should be ok. Sometimess stress will make a term come later. If your pregnancy test keep coming unenthusiastic, you have another aim to believe you are not pregnant. Try to relax and you'll have your spell soon. If you want to be 100% sure get a blood tryout, but I don't think you want it. At least not only yet. Good luck!

Any one who can answer?

being sick or stressed both effect the timing of your interval. some women just skip a month or two at a time. I single get my time every three to four months and my dr told me that it was everyday and not to worry. I would see a gyno to be on the risk-free side just to bring in sure nothing is wrong.

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If you used a condom and your pregnancy test have come put money on negative, after you're probably not pregnant.

There are a couple things that could affect you in this process. One, young women don't other have regular period, so it's not completely abnormal to skip one or to win one late. Two, STRESS (which I'm sure you're experiencing here situation) can also delay your term. My best advice would be to remind yourself that you practiced safe and sound sex and the test say you're not pregnant. If you can calm down for a moment bit and let your body's chemicals seize back to usual, you will probably get your extent soon.

Good luck!

I saw someone commented on the relationship between antibiotics and contraceptives not working. He's not completely right. Condoms will work regardless. It's BIRTH CONTROL that's artificial by antibiotics. You have to skulk another month after finishing the antibiotics for the birth control to work again.

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Well, if the pregnancy test are negative I wouldn't verbs. You freaking out is probably what caused most of it. But yes, weakness can throw it off.

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condoms aren't perfect... and I hope you put the condom on yourself and open the package yourself... There are men/boys that own been set to put on a torn condom without recitation the partner, sometimes because the only own one and sometimes because the think making the girl pregnant will support keep them together.

Never trust anyone to put that condom on but yourself.

And never assume that the concom is 100% efficient, they are 85-98% effective and that way if you only use a condom and be in motion after it like rabbits next their are pretty good probability you will get pregnant inwardly a year or so... While condoms are great for trying to prevent hiv and other STDs I wouldn't use them as the only form of birth control.

As for you individual pregnant... probably not if you tested yourself a couple of weeks after you last have sex, assuming you used one of the newer tests. Do yourself a favor, consider the pill or stop have sex until your older and organized.

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Periods can be irregular due to stress, illness etc. Most pregnancy kit are fairly accurate. But to put your mind at rest shift to the doctors, the nurse will give you a free pregnancy examination and they are more reliable and can advise you as capably.

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Stress can glitch your period for up to two weeks.
It is frozen to accurately test for pregnancy until the second month of gestation, and even later sometimes you can get a denial.

My advice? Seriously re-examine if you are ready to enjoy a child; because you ARE going to worry in the region of this each and every time you enjoy sex, condom or not.

I advice against sex until you have a feeling you could handle an "Oops!"
There are plenty of other ways to express affection that don't require individual paranoid between periods.

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Women's bodies stir through a lot of change. It would be best if you saw a doctor. All of th pregnancy tests on loam can replace a doctor's trusted opinion.
Good luck.

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Sounds resembling you are stressing out. Stress plays a big role on whether or not your period is going to be slowly. Also, some pregnancy tests aren't other acurate. If your period still hasn't started by this week, I'd give the name your doctor.

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Nae fret pet- you are freeting agency too much and causing the anxiety. 8 test are an awful lot- and if 8 are negative try to believe what it tell you. I always win a bad throat and confusion that lasts for days formerly my period- try not to worry comparatively so much.

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