What is the percentage pregnancy after taking morning-after pill 17hrs after intercourse in 15th morning of cycle?

What is the percentage pregnancy after taking morning-after pill 17hrs after intercourse in 15th day of cycle?
Woman aged 18. 15th morning of cycle when intercourse occured. What is the failure rate? Please try and answer as soon as possible if you see it. Ovulation have probably already just occured.

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Progestin-only emergency contraceptive pills, approaching Plan B "morning after pills" reduces risk of pregnancy by 89%.If these pills are taken inwardly the first 24 hours after sex, they reduce risk of pregnancy by up to 95%.Emergency contraceptive pills containing both progestin and estrogen (known as “combined” pills) curtail the risk of pregnancy by 75%.
(Be aware That the exact effectiveness of emergency contraceptive pills is difficult to judge and some researchers believe the effectiveness may be lower than that reported on packet labels.)

My Mirena coil is due for replacement but the Dr can't go and get it out! How long overdue can it go ?

My guess would be any daytime now. Just kind sure you are watching for signs of pregnancy. you might already be pragnant. Consult your doctor if you think you might be pregnant. Sorry That is adjectives the information i can give You.

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sperm can survive for up to 5 days, the morning after pill is 95% effectice if taken inwardly 24 hours and then probability of getting pregant anyway are around 80%, so they overall chance is in the region of 10%, if ovualtion has certainly occured, if not afterwards the chances are much lower, but the morning after pill is awfully effective.

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