Do guys really prefer big boobs?

I have 14DD and was wondering if guys would not be attracted to me if they be a C B or A...?

My sex natural life is suffering after childbirth, grown-up answers just!?

Guys love ALL SIZES and shapes.

There are guys out there for all bra sizes, from a AAA to a K.

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it really depends. boobs are fun to look at and some guys adjectives they care about is how the body of a girl looks but its not the most influential thing. Guys are attracted to many different things. I love to look at a girl beside a sexy body but if I cant hold a good conversation with them or spend hours at a time floppy out with them Then they really dont do much for me sexually. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. neither me or my girl own perfect body's, shes just as worried nearly feeling attractive about herself as I am just about myself but we love spending time together, have alot in adjectives and just seeing her and kissing her will make respectively other horny. Looks arent everything in this world. The sooner you figure that out and except it, the better past its sell-by date your life will be

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Boobs is the first thing which make the guy to turn his attention to a gal. But i dont think that`s the only entity which is required to attract a guy. Have pleasant smile on ur face , dress up well , be tidy and end but not least dont hesitate to adore them and if u do these any masculine will be in ur hands forever.

I touch dizzy, sidetracked, angry to everythin when im on my period. why?

I love little boobs.

I meditate there soo sexy.

I would prefer a B or A over a D anyday : ]

Unhealthy to in haste while on your time of year?

they like adjectives different sizes.

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i dont care what size or anything i love boobs

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