How do I find out what public clinics in my nouns supply the morning after pill?


25 years old and unusual symptoms - hormonal issues?

get to planned parenthood

My length is acting really strange?

when you find one see if they give out free condoms for your use so you'll own them for the next time when you step out to have unprotected sex.

How to loose chubby from upper body ?I want to be 10 pounds lighter in a month.?

Call and ask them if they transport the pill, or ask your doctors office or phone the board of heath.

Help me diagnos and fix this.?

Call your local Planned Parenthood. If they don't set aside it, they should know who does.

My cycle has gotten highly light,?

the emergency room supplies them, probably Planned Parenthood does too, and a private doctor. You solitary have something resembling 2 or 3 days in which you can lift it so call a DR asap.

What is the wonderful weight for a 4'11 15 year feeble girl?

All Planned Parenthoods do, and Walmart also sells the Morning After Pill if you are over 18, lacking a prescription.

Have any of you ever tried SUPERSHINE breast enhancement?

boots deal in them for lb25, i know how ridiculous, or go to a home planning emergency clinic and get em for free

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