Will i go and get 5'8''?

i'm 15 years old, 5'6'', and womanly. from my dad's side i have elevated genes, but my mom's are average. will i reach 5'7'' or 5'8'' by the time i'm 19?

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I believe we verbs to grow into our 20's so 'hang contained by there' You still enjoy plenty of time.

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I'd right to be heard probably, but there's no sure style to tell. if you don't get that height by the age of 19 after I doubt you'll reach it subsequent, because girls usually stop growth at 19. heres hoping you'll reach that though [:

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Probably not. You're destined to be short.

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the truth is... theres completely no way of knowing.

You really hold to base that on your growth spurts and if you mull over you are done growing or not.

I would guess that you might still grow a few inches since you are 15, but once you hit 18/19, you will probably not be getting any taller.

either course, it doesn't matter too much. the average largeness for a female surrounded by about 5'6". so at smallest you will not be considered short for a female.

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girls/female grow until they are 25 years mature. so u have TEN more years to grow, honey. Dont verbs!

i grew up when i was contained by school (abt 16-17 y/o) until that time... i wasnt that soaring. and plus ... u have genes!

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is that like the altitude you have to be to become a model or something? hope you capture to 5'8". im sure youll reach it soon.

Birth Control?

Ask your mom how soaring you were when your first turned 3. If you double that, specifically supposed to be how tall you'll accomplish as an adult.

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Gawd, eeeww, Why would any girl want to be even close to that soaring ? Tall is NOT feminine. Small, short, petite IS. Actually I pity tall girls. LOL.

Period problems?

don't know. nearby really isn't a way to share you'll just own to wait it out and see.

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you might. i don't deduce there is any style to tell exactly though. when i be 13 i was 5'6 and surrounded by 2 years ( i am 15 ) i grew 2 inches and now i am 5'8, so it is awfully possible.

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