For all of you who have be or are pregnant?

Breast tenderness that they say-so is a symptom of pregnancy within the first week after conception. what does it perceive like? Is it just sore upon touch, or do they hurt while still? I had sharp/long long-term pain contained by my right breast today and I think I may be pregnant ( not purely because of that- but wondering if it could be a sign). Does breast tenderness usually take place in both boobs, or can you lone get it surrounded by one?

Thanks : )

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I own 4 kiddos. Breast tenderness be a sure sign for me. They feel "heavy" and somewhat hot and terribly sore. Like..sorry...if touched..."OMG..stay away" tender.

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get a simple examination or see a doctor its the for sure way and it'll take the edge off ur mind.

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Instead of making yourself crazy wondering if your sore breast(s) is a sign that you could be pregnant.go to the drug store and buy a oral exam and get it over next to.

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It's more resembling a feeling of achy fullness. It's odd.

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Breast pain

Contents of this page:
Alternative names
Common Causes
Home Care
Call your strength care provider if
What to expect at your robustness care provider's department


Female Breast

Breast pain

Alternative name Return to top

Pain - breast; Mastalgia; Mastodynia; Breast tenderness
Definition Return to top

Breast discomfort is any discomfort or pain surrounded by the breast. For example, premenstrual tenderness may rationale breast pain.
Considerations Return to top

There are tons possible causes for breast strain. For example, hormone level change related to menstruation or pregnancy are often responsible for breast discomfort. Some degree of swelling and discomfort is just since your period is usual.

Although many women near pain surrounded by one or both breasts may fear breast cancer, breast twinge is NOT a common symptom of cancer.

Boys and men own breast tissue. If a male have breast tissue that can be seen, the condition is call gynecomastia. As a normal segment of development, young boys can have some breast swelling and discomfort. Like breast tenderness surrounded by women, this is due to hormonal changes.

Common Causes Return to top

Some level of breast tenderness is conventional. The discomfort may be caused by hormonal change due to:

Pregnancy -- breast tenderness tend to be more common during the first trimester and in women who are pregnant at a youthful age
Puberty -- in both girls and boys
Breast feed
Approach of menopause -- once your menstrual periods own stopped completely, breast tenderness commonly goes away unless you are taking hormone replacement psychiatric therapy
Soon after childbirth, your breasts may become swollen with milk. This can be terribly painful and is usually accompany by swelling. If you also have an nouns of redness, telephone your health attention to detail provider.

Other common cause of breast pain include:

Alcoholism next to liver damage
Fibrocystic breast change
Premenstrual syndrome (PMS)
Fibrocystic breast tissue is common. Such tissue contains breast lumps and bumps that tend to be more tender of late before your menstrual spell.

Certain medications may also produce breast pain, including digitalis preparations, aldomet, aldactone. indubitable diuretics, anadrol, and chlorpromazine.

Shingles can lead to aching felt contained by the breast if the painful blistering unthinking appears on the skin over one of your breasts.

Home Care Return to top

For tips on how to manage spasm from fibrocystic breasts, see breast lumps.

Certain birth control pills may help relieve breast twinge. Ask your doctor if this therapy is right for you.

If you enjoy a breast infection, you will need antibiotics. Look for signs of infection such as localized glow, nipple discharge, or fever. Contact your doctor if you own these signs.

If you have a breast injury, right now apply a cold compress such as an ice pack (wrapped contained by a cloth -- don't apply directly to the skin) for 15 to 20 minutes. Take a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) such as ibuprofen to reduce your luck of developing persistent breast stomach-ache or swelling.

Call your health attention to detail provider if Return to top

Call your doctor if you have:

Discharge from your nipples, especially blood or pus
Given birth in the last week and your breasts are swollen or not easy
Signs of a breast infection, including localized redness, pus, or frenzy
Noticed a new lump associated near the pain that does not progress away after your menstrual period
Persistent, unexplained breast discomfort
What to expect at your health perfectionism provider's office Return to top

Your condition care provider will execute a breast examination and ask question about your breast discomfort, such as:

How long have you have the symptoms?
Are one or both of your breasts affected?
Do you own any nipple discharge?
Do you perform breast self-examination?
Have you notice any lumps or anything unusual when you examine your breasts?
When was your ultimate mammogram?
What other symptoms do you have? Do you own fever?
What medicine do you take?
Tests that may be done include:

Breast biopsy
Culture of nipple discharge to check for infection
Cytology (microscopic evaluation) of nipple discharge
Fine needle aspiration -- a small syringe is inserted into the breast to remove fluid that may have collected contained by a cyst (usually not cancerous)
Treatment may include the following:

Pain relievers
Diet changes
Medication change
Your health nurture provider should schedule a follow-up drop by in luggage the symptoms have not gone away within a given period of time. Your doctor may recommend that you see a specialist if the symptoms do not dance away or if you have a complicated condition.

Prevention Return to top

Wear a well-fitting bra for support, especially if your breasts are big.

Perform a monthly breast self-exam 3-5 days after your period (when the breast tissue is the least possible tender). This is important to have a feeling for any changes contained by your breast tissue. If you detect any change from the previous month, notify your doctor.

Why hold i been menstruating for days gone by 2 weeks?


No wonder a lot of blood comes contained by my underwhere!?

I got the pain in both my breasts. It hurt really unpromising in the shower and during sex. why not hold a blood test so you know for sure?

For adjectives you high school/college girls out in attendance ?

Every womans body will react differently to pregnancy. I can't say-so for sure if these pains you have experienced are due to pregnancy or not, but I can enlighten you what my experience was.
Both breasts hurt, they didn't requirement to be touched to hurt, all you have to do was look at them and they hurt. It be a constant soreness that made me not want to move at all. Mine be both breasts, I hadn't heard of it contained by only one (not that it isn't possible I suppose).
I enjoy however had on several occasion gotten very sharp pains in one breast that kinda feel like a stabbing backache. Actually I had one this morning, right back I started my period this afternoon.
Wait until you are properly late for your time and take a home pregnancy try-out. The longer you wait the more predictable an accurate result.
Best of luck!

Is spotting brown considered the first day of length?

I've been pregnant. Each entity is different, but here's what it was resembling for me...they were as you utter tender/sore just contained by general (almost approaching they just feel really full) and the nipples had a strange sore premonition to them...I don't really know how to explain it, but strangely sore/sensitive. I have friends who own had multiple pregnancies that said that they be sore with one toddler and not with another. So, I guess respectively case is merely different. Every now and after I have feel a sore pain surrounded by one breast and I wasn't pregnant at all near the pain. I ruminate sometimes things like indigestion and such can cover themselves as other pains. I know that sounds strange...but I'm pretty sure it's true. People thing they're have heart attacks because of the pain, but they newly need to give somebody a lift one of those prescriptions for reflux or something. If it continues and you find you're NOT pregnant, you may want to talk to your doctor roughly speaking the possibility of reflux.

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