Yeast Infection?

i'm not sure if i have vagina hasn't really been itchy but it concerned of burned the last time i had sex and be a little itchy during sex. i also have notice that there is a lot of white stuff when we are doing it which i've read is middle-of-the-road but its a lot and it stained the bed sheets. it doesn't have an odor and it really freaks my guy out. i also enjoy been getting little white specs of stuff but its not really clumps of anything. i just tried the yogurt article. what do you ladies think?

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Only a doctor can tell for sure if you enjoy a yeast infection by taking a swab and run some tests. Most of us can sometimes tell by the discern, look, and smell that you have a yeast infection. If your symptoms don't match this index, or you are confused or uncertain, go see your doctor if at adjectives possible.

It feels like an intense itching, burning sensation, localized surrounded by your vagina and vulva. This itching is not always present, but can get really bleak, so bad you can hardly amble, let alone sit still or concentrate on anything.

It looks like clumpy white stuff. Most medical descriptions compare the discharge to ricotta cheese, but it can list from thick and not clumpy to faintly wan to thin and clear.

It smells like bread or beer. In reality, it smells pretty much exactly like yeast.

There are other types of infections that can sometimes infect your vagina and vulva and it's helpful to know the symptoms of adjectives of them so you can be really sure before you go treat yourself for a yeast infection you might not own.

A bacterial infection of the vagina can feel a lot close to a yeast infection if the vulval area is itchy or painful. Unlike a yeast infection, the discharge can be murky yellow, green, or brown and it won't smell like bread, it can smell similar to fish or something rotting. If you think you might have a bacterial infection, or if you're not sure, go and get I would recommend going to see your doctor as this has to be treated with prescription antibiotics.

Urinary tract infections (UTI's) are due to germs infecting the urethra rather than the vagina. UTI's can be fairly well distinguished from vaginal infections by a host of symptoms, including pain or burning when urinating, blood or mucus in urine, need to urinate often, pain or pressure within back or lower abdomen and a restlessness or chills. If you think you might have a UTI, don't rearrangement, go see your doctor, because the infection can travel up past the bladder, cause kidney damage.

Another type of infection called trichomoniasis is cause by a parasite that can infect both the vagina and the urinary tract, and is primarily sexually transmitted. If you have a trichomoniasis infection, your vagina can be itchy or painful, it can hurt to urinate, intercourse can be tight, and occasionally you can experience pain in your lower tummy. Again, you have to see a doctor to get antibiotics to treat this.

I would recommend you see your doctor only just to rule out any other infections and to get a proper diagnosis and proper treatment.

Good luck :)

No time of year and trying to draw from pregnant?

It doesn't sound resembling a yeast infection. The discharge from a YI will be clumpy like cottage cheese, sometimes more yellow surrounded by colr and have a strong odor. What you're describing sounds like discharge cause by fluctuating hormones. The itchy part may be due to the discharge and your vagina not used to self so moist. You need to see your Dr and make sure that you don't own a Urinary tract Infection (UTI). Frequent urination and burning while peeing are two of the most common symptoms of a UTI. Also, try peeing right after sex to avoid getting a UTI and helping cut down on the discharge.

12 and depressed just about...?

Sounds like it could be, that's how mine started out, it wasn't that itchy any, maybe a slight irritation once or twice a day. Is your time due soon? Periods naturally clear up yeast infections if that is what you hold. If your on the pill, you can stop taking your pill now if you wish and contained by a few days you'll get a period, there's is no medical damage in that at all. Are you using a barrage protection during sex e.g. a condom? If not it would be worth getting tested for STD's/STI's.

Go to the doctors, they will give you a smear test and an nouns to test you for thrush and will probably take a chlamidia swab will their (at smallest they do in the UK). I've had this done copious times and they are honestly not painful

Ok i entail some poeple next to well brought-up direction please (graphic)?

Honey, I think you want to go to your local health clinic. Though it SOUNDS similar to you have a yeast infection, it also sounds like symptoms of an STD, for physical for's no joke and if your sleeping short a condom, either he passed it to you or you are passing it to him. Don't freak though, only go get checked out. They enjoy medications for a lot of STD's but, not adjectives. Don't ignore this.

Chills. All the time. What's the concord?


It sure sounds like a yeast infection.

Yeast infections are so adjectives its ridiculous and they always seem to come at the worse times. I have it for 6 months at one point which was a real low point and I insufferable the idea of using all those chemicals so I did some research on the internet and found one focused website so useful since it was completely fluent!

In my experience it has been the solitary thing that got rid of my infection for appropriate!
If you want to give it a try you can find it at

Good luck hun!

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