Please support me i'm worred?

hello i'm 13 and i eat lodes i show lodes 3 servings at breakfast lunch and dinner and snack i lot!! but i'm as thin as a twig and remarkably helthy i go horse ridding for 3 hours a week and do 2 hours a week of sport at institution i am very woried that when i'm elder the fat will take in for questioning up with me will this hapen!

sorry going on for the spelling but i'm french

I just get mirena a week ago pain during sex is this commonplace?

It could just be that you hold an overly fast metabolism. It could also be an over helpful thyroid. I would go to you doctor, express your concerns, and ask them to check your thyroid levels. As you bring back older you metabolism will slow down, but if you save exercising, you should be fine!

Wut is like the best condoms?

im sure that you are completley natural! you're "fat" will not catch up next to you when you are older. it is impossible. newly keep on excersising and intake healthy foods, and you will be fine!

Allergy to birth control/stopping in the middle through pack?

Fat doesn't "catch up" near you. If you become less busy when you're older and still get through like you do very soon, then yes, you may gain immensity. If your metabolism is high, the likelihood are it will remain high surrounded by adulthood. But, latter in natural life, especially if you have children, your metabolism may conveyance and you'll need to see your diet. Eat healthy, exercise contained by moderation, and don't worry.

Fibrocystic Breasts?

I don't imagine it will "catch up next to you" if you keep up your able-bodied may just hold a fast metabolism so you can get through tons and still stay very skinny. (With the help out of proper exercise like you mentioned). Hope I help.

What causes irregular periods?

You should progress to a doctor and have your thyroid checked out. You may enjoy something going on that is not fighting fit. It's not normal to be so hungry and inevitability to eat so much, even if you are highly active.

Go see a doctor, fashion sure you're healthy.

What is an orgasm. I ruminate I've had one but what exactly is it? Im 21.?

this only means ur metabolism is quickly. there is a possibility that it will entrap up to u even if ur active

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