What is Hellp syndrome?


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HELLP syndrome is a life-threatening obstetric complication considered by tons to be a variant of pre-eclampsia. Both conditions crop up during the latter stages of pregnancy, or sometimes after childbirth.

HELLP is an abbreviation of the biggest findings:

Hemolytic anemia
Elevated Liver enzymes and
Low Platelet count

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HELLP syndrome is a life-threatening obstetric complication considered by many to be a departure of pre-eclampsia. Both conditions occur during the latter stages of pregnancy, or sometimes after childbirth.

HELLP is an short way around of the main findings:

Hemolytic anemia
Elevated Liver enzymes and
Low Platelet count
Often, a merciful who develops HELLP syndrome has already be followed up for pregnancy-induced hypertension (gestational hypertension), or is suspected to develop pre-eclampsia (high blood pressure and proteinuria). Up to 8% of all cases present after transport.

There is gradual but marked kick-off of headaches (30%), blurred delusion, malaise (90%), nausea/vomiting (30%), "band pain" around the upper belly (65%) and tingling in the extremities. Oedema may occur but its nothingness does not exclude HELLP syndrome. Arterial hypertension is a diagnostic requirement, but may be mild. Rupture of the liver capsule and a resultant hematoma may go on. If the patient get a seizure or coma, the condition have progressed into full-blown eclampsia.

Patients who present symptoms of HELLP can be misdiagnosed in the early stages, increasing the risk of liver anticlimax and morbidity (Padden, 1999). rarely post caesarean long-suffering may present in shock condition mimicking any pulmonary embolism or reactionary haemorrhage.

In a lenient with possible HELLP syndrome, a load of blood tests is perform: a full blood count, liver enzymes, renal function and electrolytes and coagulation studies. Often, fibrin degradation products (FDPs) are determined, which can be elevated. Lactate dehydrogenase is a familiar sight of hemolysis and is elevated (>600 U/liter). Proteinuria is present but can be mild.

The platelet count has be found to be moderately predictive of severity: under 50 million/L is class I (severe), between 50 and 100 is class II (moderately severe) and >100 is class III (mild). This system is term the Mississippi classification (Martin et al 1990).

The exact cause of HELLP is unknown, but standard activation of the coagulation cascade is considered the leading underlying problem. Fibrin forms crosslinked networks in the small blood vessels. This lead to a microangiopathic hemolytic anemia: the mesh causes destruction of red blood cell as if they were anyone forced through a strainer. Additionally, platelets are consumed. As the liver appears to be the main site of this process, downstream liver cell suffer ischemia, leading to periportal necrosis. Other organs can be similarly artificial. HELLP syndrome leads to a modification form of disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC), leading to paradoxical bleeding, which can brand emergency surgery a serious challenge.

[edit] Treatment
The singular effective treatment is conferral of the baby. Several medication have be investigated for the treatment of HELLP syndrome, but evidence is conflicting as to whether magnesium sulfate decreases the risk of seizure and progress to eclampsia. The DIC is treated with fresh frozen plasma to replenish the coagulation proteins, and the anemia may require blood transfusion. In mild cases, corticosteroids and antihypertensives (labetalol, hydralazine, nifedipine) may meet your requirements. Intravenous fluids are generally required.

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The ending two posters pretty much answered your question, but I a moment ago wanted to add on that sometimes someone with HELLP Syndrome one and only developes one symptom such as in my suitcase low platelets (23,000) at 35 weeks pregnancy and I also have a history of ITP followed by a splenectomy contained by 1996. which had corrected my low platelets at that time. It wasnt till my 35 week blood work where on earth my platelets had dropped so low and baffled the drs. Since i have no spleen regrowth and no other symptoms of HELLp they just diagnosed it as HELLP/ITP..I be told I could die and was giving platelets and steriods and my son be delivered via emergency c unit where i be put to sleep and my husband couldnt be in the room. I am doing research on it as we speak as I would love to own one more child within a few years of course. He is doing great in a minute at 16 months but he was also born next to low platelets and had to be surrounded by the nicu for 9 days...I hope you are not going through this, its a scary and horrible entity to face especially when you know zilch about it or dont know what the outcome is going to be..sorry for incoherent i hope all is ok beside you... Deanna

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