Period problems?

how can i avoid feeling seasick on my period?

Best friend of late had 2nd miscarriage, I dont know what to do.?

Most predictable your nausua is caused by the rise surrounded by estrogen before your term..

But talk to your doctor, putting you on the pill could comfort, if you
are already on the pill, your pill may need to be changed. Different pills hold different dosages of estrogen.. some people do perfect on the mini pill, some need a pill that steps the dosage during the weeks since..

I used to have equal problem. The doctors originally put me on the mini pill, it helped some, but not much.
Basically impossible to tell apart thing they explain to pregnant women, helped me. I would hold on to some pretzel, crackers, toast, by my bed, and eat something until that time I even got up on the light of day I was supposed to start. Say I started untimely, ya know those times you wake up contained by the middle of the night and.... I would devour something before I get out of bed and started moving.

As long as I followed this rule, I was okay.

Later they switched me to one of the STEPPED pills and that stopped it adjectives together..

but everybody is different.

Women or guys, it don't matter?

good cross-question... I have alike problem...

Only Getting My Period For 2 Days?

I dont think you can. Drink lots of river.

I need girls abet *again* please?

a sign of PMS dont eat too much unwanted items food including pop but try drinking water but not too much as soon as you drink aloot of dampen and get up you will fell bloated near water at tiniest thats what happens to most girls

Which is the safest time to enjoy unprotected sex without getting pregnant?

well you can parley to you ob or probably talk to your home doctor and tell them your problem and they may prescribe you anti nausea medication, they prescribed it to me when i be pregnant.

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