I'm 19, and lately, my breast hold been massively sore and tender. What is it from?

I was thinking possibly it was from my interval, but its not due until about 2 weeks. and they be sore last month too. if anyone know why.. or what it could be from, let me know plz.

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and its not from brackish, i stay away from that.

could it be becuz they are still growing? my husband said maybe thats what it is.. cuz he did spy a size difference...

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sore and tender breasts are a red flag for pregnancy. Just because you have your time of year doesn't mean your not pregnant. I'd run to your doctors to check for any other health problems.

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um you may be pregnant

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you could be pregnant. most women have sore breast within the beginning of pregnancy, and they will increase in size. if i be you, i would pick up an ept

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Unlikely, women usually stop growing around 18, and within breasts are one of the first things to complete growth. It couId be that they are still growing, but I would say I don`t know stress?? Stress can do A LOT of crazy things to your body.it wouldn't surprise me if it is causing this.

I'm a 36 year outmoded female. Over the finishing few days, I've experienced a burning sensation in my head. ?

Several things can effect this:
- pregnancy
- hormonal shifts or ovarian cysts - any changes contained by your menstral cycle?
- caffiene - are your armpits sore as well? lymph nodes swell within this case too - and the closest ones are contained by your armpits


When you ovulate you have hormone change and that's why you feel sore and tender or you might be pregnant.

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i went through that second month. they hurt even when they weren't being touched. approaching you, i assumed it was from my interval, but i was wrong. i assumed that they be growing because they felt fuller.

any arbitrariness you're pregnant?

Smaller stomach?

they may be sore due to ovulation. it has be know to cause sore breasts

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2 weeks before your interval is when you ovulate, during ovulation your hormones increase when may cause and explain the sensitivity and backache in your breast.

Health versus trust?

either cause by ovulation or pregnancy.

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