I don't get the impression resembling doing anything anymore. I lately wanna be moved out alone. HELP!?
Answers: these sound similar to presymtems of depression. I would consult a doctor.
I also think you might be depressed and can obtain medication for it.
BUT I also know from experience that JESUS is the only article that can take away that awful, lonely longing that so plentiful people perceive. Pray for Him to reveal someone today that can introduce Him to you!
I agree with the answers above, it sounds similar to depression and you can get minister to with it. Talk to a doctor and make clear to them how you feel, don't be ashamed any, it happens to alot of us, including myself. I feel the exact same way as you and be diagnosed with severe depression. You should really jump see a doctor, it doesn't have to be your home Dr, it can be at any walk surrounded by clinic, and if you don't have the money to remuneration for it they will give you a few preview boxes, enough to sort you all better. Tryst me you will be so relaxed you went. I be back near my friends and SO SO happy they made me jump. There are things worth living for...,. one day you'll be capable of see that again:)
Your under depression. You in recent times ignore everything and everyone around you. I can get you good , This is a small problem . You can contact me within yahoo messenger . my email id is dennisleenu(a)yahoo.co.surrounded by