Everybody can answer!?

Did you think 16 years (17 Saturday) old is to youthful to have sex with a boy you really close to? I mean I really, really like him we own know each other since second grade and very soon we are going out. Him and I are both virgins he turned 17 in June and I turn 17 Saturday and he is going to be gone for my birthday and he really wants to hold sex with me and I want to have sex near him but, should we wait until I'm 17 or until we are both 18 or what? I mean we are planning on getting married when I finish college and girls enjoy hit on him tons of times and I don't mind but every time that happens he always moves away.
He is really sweet. His parents don't fastidiousness if he has sex because they think he have had sex before, and my parents know him and assume he is sweet. So, should we wait to have sex? Thank-you if your time.


Answers:    Are you prepared for a infant??? Because that is what could happen when you enjoy sex. My daughter was thinking the same entry at 17. She is now married and a mommy of two. She got pregnant when she be 17. She is now 21 and wondering what it would have be like to have a natural life outside of being a Mom. Now all of her time is spent attending to others desires and dealing with stretch marks. I wish better for her. Take your time, life is short but it can be very long when you trade name the wrong decisions..
it all depends on your old age and your comfort level. if you think you are in position and feel comfortable enough surrounded by front of him and feel that you absalutely love him then yes i say aloud go ahead. but if you have any doubt contained by the world then do not do it!! pretty much make sure that you are both completely support in doing stuff in front of eachother. powerfully, if you use birth control and protection then i say you can if you're completely positive you want to. like mad of kids in my school enjoy had sex at a much younger age than 16 and with ancestors they dont even like that much but as long as you really like him i say aloud go for it.
Well i think it depends on how you grain about him. Do you think that your going to regret it if something go wrong? You don't want to end up getting hurt. If you think that you won't consequently it might be a good idea to try. As long as your geared up mentally. Do do something you will regret or are not ready for. no wait! keep on til your married. then you guys will explode! wait it'll be wworth it and if he really loves you and yoru inlove afterwards he'll wait for you and be excited to love you and make sure your compatiable metaly and it'll variety you guys more attracted to each other.
well since you really love him and he loves you here is really no reason why you shouldnt i mean the right article to do whould be to wait till you get married but if your really contained by love i say go for it. i focus its sweet that you have liked for so long Seems as If you enjoy a plan. It may be your first time but you can still get preggo. That could definitely ruin your plan. But if you both love respectively other and think it's right go ahead,if you where on earth truly ready you wouldn't ask for strangers opinions. .
capably, waiting is always the best answer.
but yes, people your age do it and it's not atypical.
it's just not the best idea, but its not close to that's ever stopped people from doing it anyways..
are you sure he doesnt have an std? how do you know? did you ask him? how does he know? do what you want. your relationship have nothing to do with other nation. Honestly? You should wait until you actually discern like you're in love. REALLY within love to the point where you want to get married and not merely some teenage puppy love..
yea go 4 it. all right i dk maybe u should wait for a moment longer
if i was that age nd i knew that i be going to get married to him then I don`t know i would. MAYBE Its up to you. Ignore wat everybody else thinks do u feel resembling thats wats best, And dont plan to get married to him cuz things happen and society change. What may be mr.right today gon be nobody tomorrow. .
I think you should hang around...everyone is like "oh, i will never get pregnant" but it could take place...even on your first time...even birth control or condoms dont work everytime...just wait Wouldn't it be better if you be in a relationship with a human being you love instead of just having sex next to this guy?.
yeah go for it if you think your arranged! but if you have any dout in your chief then dont! if he really cares in the region of you he wont mind not having sex! and be safe =] in attendance s nothing wrong in it.as long as u use protection.. from wat u enjoy written it seems tat u both love each other profoundly...(???)... so get going...
no, thats really skanky naw it aint too early. yall in actuality a lil late haha. go for it!! experience nd hav fun!.
as long as your well thought-out i dont see a problem with it sure y not,go ahead.
if it's something you want to do and you are 100% around having sex and you know nothing can run wrong then.DO iT!! I already answered your first question nearly this, but I just wanted to comment on the other answers you recieved your first time asking.

It may be well brought-up and well for some people to continue until marriage, but if you think it's right, consequently it's right. I can't tell you enough, the edict to lose your viriginity is a *huge* one (you can't undo it ever!), but it *is* your decision and yours alone.

Don't be anxious by other people telling you that you'll regret it. You might, but there's also a apt chance you won't regret it. I didn't.

Sorry for the redundancy, but it's *all* up to you girl, and no one else. Don't permit strangers on WomenAnswers.org influence your very most private, personal decisions.

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