What is the best process to tone your tummy after birth?


My smear test showed exceptional result what does this mean?

devour healthy, drink plenty of marine, try sit-ups, about 50 a year ( i do them in the breaks of programmes) and invest in a hula hoop! near great fun and a fab AB workout! :D hope that helps?

I am on a dive troop and we practice very daylight. Whats the best tampon?

use a boflex or something........or breast feed (burns of fleshy and calories)

Will drinking alcohol or doing drugs alter the effect of the morning after pill?

Start doing 200 crunches every night afterwards add 50 a darkness each week...also nurse the little one instead of using formula....

Please help next to a sex problem?


Girls only! - i started my extent cycle last thurs. and my friend and I are going swimming-I cant use a tampon

abs exercise...

Platex sport tampons? are they as well-mannered as they say?

Seriously sit ups and tummy crunches Just stay unswerving or nothing will work

Is this run of the mill?

brisk walking and breast feed.

What are period i am 16?

Breastfeeding really helps, because the hormones released backing your womb to contract back down to it's regular size.

Periods- help?

The Swiss globe is supposed to work wonders and is easier on your back than conventional crunches.

Period past due but not pregnant?

I'm a nurse, breast feeding

Someone please give a hand me with this..?

when i have my little boy i didnt go to the gym or use some sort of vigourous excercise regime, adjectives i did to firm my stomach up again was when i be walking my son in his pram when i came to kerbs, as i bumped his pram up the kerbs i tensed my tummy, i did this every time i went up kerbs and my stomach be flat again with contained by a matter of a week. another method is breast feed but if ya anything like i be ya may not want to do the breast feeding. hope ive help a bit x

Can I ever donate blood?


Did i put it in wrong?

breast nurture you drop weight like greased lightning. If you dont want to breast feed pump again same affect. Sit ups and crunches.

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