Could be pregnant?

My husband and I have be trying to conceive.

At the end of June be the time to get my time, but I'm 3 weeks late. I've taken 5 pregnancy test, but they're all gloomy.

I've never missed a period, and I'm not stressed. Could it simply be too early to make clear to?

[ If I am, I would be 6 wks and 5 days. ]


My girlfriend should have her monthly menstration!!?

It is extremely unlikely that you would achieve that many false negative but it is possible. I would go to your doctor and consent to them do the test. They do a blood question paper which is MUCH more accurate than the ones you buy at the drug store. It is possible that you just missed your time of year. It can happen due to diet, exercise, stress, or sometimes it can surface for no apparent pretext. The best thing to do is to exploit like you are preganant. That route if it turns out that you are, you wouldn't have done any impair to the baby due to drinking, smoking, etc. Then run to the doctor and find out for sure.

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Only time will tell...
Good Luck

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If you're concerned nearly whether or not you're pregnant, a surefire way to find out is to freshly take a blood testing to check for the pregnancy hormone.

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yeah too early

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I suggest taking a trip to your gyno and having them help yourself to a test. There may be a quantity of other reasons that you own not gotten your period. Go to the pros and ask them adjectives of your questions!

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how long after did you whip the test your souppose to steal it 2-3 weeks after you have sex.

Asking going on for painful period..?

Some women dont produce as much of the chemical to make the test positive on the HPT. Go to your DR and get a blood theory test

Wat is the costless way to own your periods?

Go to the doctor and acquire tested there. Sometimes hormones can mess up pregnancy test, but the doctor's test is the best one to describe you.

Yo plz help me here?

The best article for you to do is just progress ahead and make an appt beside your OB sometimes the hormone that is contained by your urine that tells you, you are pregnant isn't ample. They will definately be able to report to you at the OB

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It is possible. Home pregnancy tests are not other accurate. You should go to your doctor, their test are much more accurate. If you aren't pregnant, he/she may be able to convey you exactly why you are late. I have a friend who was pregnant, and a home pregnancy experiment NEVER showed as positive.

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False distrustful pregnancy results usually occur 1-2 weeks after a missed time. But if it has be 3 weeks, I would say that you are not pregnant. Perhaps try another brand or shift see a doctor to know for sure.

As for missing your period, this can take place for several reasons. You may not deduce you are stressed, but your body recognizes stress at a subconcious rank, and it will react to it. Have you changed your diet? Are you exercising more? How infirm are you? If you are not on the pill, irregular periods are adjectives. Or, if you just just this minute stopped taking the pill, you can have an irregular extent.

Either way, it's far-reaching to see a doctor so that you (and possibly the baby) are healthy.

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Under positive circumstances, Pregnancy tests could b false positive or false distrustful. There r other signs of early pregnancy similar to morning sickness which again, is not for everyone.
The best advice is 2 see ur gynaecologist/ obstetrician.

Is near any food that contains oestrogen or helps it produce?

Just because your 3 weeks delayed for your period does not suggest your 6wks pregnant. You could be 3 wks and 1 day pregnant, depending on when you ovulate, everyone is different. So it could still be to untimely to tell.

Good luck

I'm confussed i wanna know whick one is better? (birth control pills, shot, or patch)?

the best style to know for sure is to see your doctor with my 1st child i never have a positive urine test i have to have a blood check also depends on blood types see i had o- and my husband opositive so i have to get rogame since the toddler took his blood type with this rh- your body doesn't realize it's pregnant best of luck to you both i hold 2 great kids from just listen to my dr and my body

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