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Ok well i have a big date near a guy i really like in a couple of days and i can perceive myself starting to get a cold.
How can i prevent this?
Like how can i get over my cold hasty?
Thanks 4 ur help!

I lost my appetite for sex, what is wrong next to me?

Whatever you do, DO NOT take garlic close to they suggest. It will seep through your pores, and you will REEK of it. Your breath, your skin...stick to the vitamin C (mega doses, like 2000 mg's), citrus fruits, theraflu...lots of rest.


What could it be?

Drink loads of fluid- especially thaw lemon drinks [such as lemsip]

Also, start taking vitamin C & eccinachea [both of which are said to be old wives tales but own worked wonders for me in the past]

In addition to this hold on to your feet warm, and appropriate some cold&flu tablets.

Do looks business?

Take a lot of vitamin C, it seriously works... there's also something called Emergen-C i believe, try it! The dosage on the vitamin C for in the future is 1000, so get the time release bottle of it, it'll keep you from getting colds as very well.

How lots days after menstruation does ovulation go down?

Drink Theraflu
Drink Airborne
Drink Robitusson

That combination actually worked for me...

EXTREME spine loss.?

You can start taking some cold medicine in a minute to fight off the virus...cough syrup, throat lozenges, etc. Good luck!

Lazyiness minister to!!111?

Take a multivitamin
Lots of vitamin C
Lots of fluids
Lots of rest
Gargle near salt water

What do you do when midol fail?

Delsym Cough Medicine.
Its trickery.
Its kinda pricey, but SO worth it.

We used a condom and she took the mornig after whats the probability shes pregnant?

Lots of rest heaps of garlic in your food and hot lemon drinks

So do you pee when you bring a shower or do you dawdle to finish?

try zicam... i have never used it but they influence if you take ot at the first sign of a cold, it stops it from coming on

Somebody please answer right away!?

Have heaps and heaps of garlick tablets

My nana told me so i MUST be true


Do you hold your fart or not?

Kinda embarassing...girls please answer dont chuckle!?
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