I was shaving my "down there" and I accidentally took a bit of skin past its sell-by date, I thought it was no big agreement since like merely a little skin come off but it won't stop bleeding! It's be bleeding for like an hour! I own to keep a bunch of tissue incentive it's like bleeding so much! What can I do?

Sex ? and my boobs are gay. lmao.?

Hi...I imagine that area is a pretty sensitive and vascular (meaning it may bleed greatly if cut) area. I'm sure it's fine, though, as long as you verbs to hold pressure on it. It eventually has to stop bleeding. Try not to move around seriously until it does, because that will cause your heart to pump blood more quickly, and it will hold longer to stop bleeding. Maybe put on some pantyhose and put the tissue inside the pantyhose , on the cut? That may make it easier to hold pressure on the cut...

Have you ever tried creams to some extent than shaving? They don't work that well for me but you might resembling it no cuts...ouch!

Feel better! I'm sure by tomorrow you'll be fine. It may just be a bit tender so look out. :-)

Birth control ?

Try wet tissue near cold water and place it nearby

Possbile for TAMPON string to break?

I've actually done this to myself beforehand!! LOL. It WILL stop bleeding, it seems approaching forever but it will. I even had my gyno look at it a few weeks after I did it and he laugh at me - but for real, you couldn't even notify that I did anything to myself. You'll be fine.

Different eyesights?

take a tissue and hole it down where it's bleeding hold it down for 1min!

What do I do just about stretch marks?

I thought you be a guy named darnell beside a partner named gorgeo and a son who watch your sex tape. I also thought that you be a 14 year old girl near big boobs. YOU ARE A LIAR! someone read his questions and agree near me please.

Girls please help me! (periods) i am 13 and?

Need to apply pressure, and Lie down. If it doesn't stop soon get to E-room

Depo Provera question?

You have need of to tell an fully developed! You can get a serious infection "down there" and if it keep bleeding you can lose a LOT of blood. This can be VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY dangerous!
Please report an adult now~

Constant urge to peeeven after i only just went?

If you enjoy a styptic pencil, you could always try that. If it won't clot, you may want a stitch or two.

I have not gotten my length yet but my boob keep getting sore?

I feel your twinge. Doing that kind of stuff is such a spasm. Put on an icepack. The swelling will close part of the cut. Or try to stick for a time wet piece of toilet composition on it. It might stop the bleeding. It worked on my leg. Hope this helps!

My girlfriend have thick creamy white substance within her vagina, she says it's her ejaculate?

put a small bandaid beside gauze under it and it will stop, unless it's a really adjectives cut in which you obligation to see a doctor!

What can you eat when you own your period?

ouchhh!...I hope it have stopped bleeding by now...(if not you might want to try to travel to the doctor, or @ least phone your local emergency room to get their advice).my advice for the adjectives however would be; ditch shaving "down there" and try getting the Brazilian is truly not as bad as race give it credit for.

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