What can you drink when you have your time of year?

well i have my term and i dont know what to eat because i talk to some of my family member and they said you have to drink things that are hot and you cant have cold hose only hot dampen with sugar and you cant enjoy anything cold because it will mess up your period cycle.

I'm tired and miserable.?

I've never hear that before.
I other eat like peas in a pod way I usually do.

Can I become a Doctor? Just yes and no please. Thanks.?

Don't verbs about it, You can hold whatever you want.

Smelly foot?

You can eat anything you want. .
It will make no difference. Just don't purloin any aspirin.

Ovulation Question?

Ive never heard of anything similar to that...I just get through the same stuff I other eat..and my period are just fine and Im sound.
If you have cramps though consequently its good to put away dairy products and not have caffeine.

Othro tri-cyclen "LO-DOWN" member, Im having an issue, PLEASE HELP?

What? I've never hear that. I eat doesn`t matter what I desire. I think some foods can craft cramping worse...but I've never heard of anything messing up cycles.

Iz it wrong for girls 2 masterbate?

well at hand is nothing really that u cant drink. but since alot of us women have alot of pains, it is advise that to many cold stuff will single increase it, as well as things beside too much salt cause us to have more severe spasm..

Emergancy question, please give support to and fast?

Family myths... every family unit has their own.
Eat and drink what you regularly would. Some women while on their period crave certain foods, mostly chocolate or sweets.
Although these things may not be so great for your hips, they will not impair your cycle.
Some changes within diet can cause your cycle to amend, but this is completely normal.
Example, if you are dieting for a few months and after go posterior to eating regularly, your length might come sooner or later. This is simply because your body is going through changes, it isn't anything to verbs about.
If you thought changes contained by your cycle at anytime, please speak to your doctor.

Is it my fault or my fiancee's that he cant acquire me..?

your family is lying to you!! you can chomp through anything you want exsept salty stuff (it make you feel bloated). so hold fun and drink as much cold water as you want!!

What should a girl do when shes really horny but cold 2 have sex however.?

Eat whatever you want. Being on your extent is normal and not a disease. I grewup within a family that have a lot of silly superstition (i.e don't bath your hair, don't uncap a bottle of vinager you'll make it stir bad).

Is this normal for birth control?

You do not inevitability to change your drinking habits at adjectives when you're on your period. However, if you put away lots of junk food, sweets, and grease, I would suggest varying your eating conduct anyway because you'd be healthier! Cold, hot, anything...you can eat it anytime, whether on your length or not. You might notice that you crave faultless things more than others when you're on your period, approaching chocolate for example, but you are free to eat anything you want.

Help a girl out?

Just eat as you please! I am have period problems but it isn't because I'm not intake right because i am a nut about what i devour, therefore your cycle have nothing to do next to what you eat! so drink girl eat!

Pain-full length, what can i do?

thats total nonsense.your spell is just your womb shedding its pool liner and if you ate nothing it would still do that its the profession its there to do.put away what you like and cold-shoulder anyone who tells you otherwise

This sound out is only from girls?

it okay if you dont want your time of year to be heavy flow or anything similar to that then dont get through to muc of sweets like soda and pizza because it will just come out more

Allergy to birth control/stopping halfway through pack?

I love chocolate. It help my cramps.

Period Question?

This is a brand new on me, you can munch through what ever you want, if in doubt telephone call your doctor and ask them or a friends mom, we are older and wiser, so be in motion eat some rime cream and enjoy it!

My term is 6 days late, should i be worried?

lol, sweetie you can guzzle anything you want depends on your body. but it's always righteous not to eat hot, dry, or sour food because it will formulate you have more on your spell. and heck, drink what ever kind of sea, because either approach, it's good for you. merely eat robust, and stuffs tha doesn't make you perceive to hot and weak. hope this help.

Very worriedplease help?

You may guzzle anything you like and it won't affect your cycle.

I would recommend that you stay as much as possible away from sugary things and too much wheat because of the bloating and strain it puts on the digestive system
adjectives best


You can eat what you typically eat! I hold never heard of any of that, it sounds extraordinarily weird. But if you dont want to bloat try not ingestion as much salty foods.

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