My mom is forcing me to get the Gardasil vaccine. Is this mandatory?


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This shot will only back to protect you in the adjectives from the HPV virus that turns into different stages of dysplasia,then ends up turning into different stages of cancer.Please do this for your safekeeping.I wish they have had this when I be a teen.This shot is better then have surgery on your cervix and taking
2/3rds of it out,and then have period problems.It could lone do good for you.Just be brave.My 13 year out-of-date got the shot.Good Luck!

Please detail out the dos and donots during pregnancy from the begining?

No, it is not necessary. They don't know how long the inoculation will protect you and it only protects you from 4 out of 21 strains of HPV. I construe it's a good impression, but I think they involve to work on it some more to make it more protetive.

To capture over your fear of needles I suggest you heat up the injection site to loosen up your blood vessels and consequently close your eyes and hold your mother's hand and breathe overpoweringly and think of something else and consent to the doctor to give you the shot and squeeze your mom's foot when you get frightened.

For adjectives of you who have be or are pregnant?

I'm a nurse. If it had be available when I was your age, I'd enjoy gotten it. Even if it's only some protection (and the jury is still out on that issue) some protection is better than none.

And even though I'm a nurse, I don't approaching needles either. It help to look away, and think of something else.

How long does your interval last!?

it doesn't hurt that fruitless. Just try to stare at the wall when the doctor is giving you the shot. it's necessary because if you have cervical cancer, but then you wouldn't know going on for it, you would be cancer free.

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GARDASIL is the singular vaccine that may help guard against diseases that are cause by human papillomavirus (HPV) Types 6, 11, 16, and 18.
HPV Types 16 and 18 cause 70% of cervical cancer cases, and HPV Types 6 and 11 grounds 90% of genital warts cases.
GARDASIL will not treat and will not protect against diseases cause by other HPV types.

I'm not side any of you nor your Mum, but don't you think it's some advantages that you can hold sex without enjoy to worry in the region of HPV with that types (you should nick a look another persons put somebody through the mill in this ?

Choose perceptively, this is for your own good.
Have a nice light of day.

PS: Here to reduce dull pain :
- use t'shirt or cotton dress. Don't use stretch kind of shirt. Injected muscle hold to be relax, if it's bend by your dress, it give you more niggle.
- Get vaccine in the morning, that time we less sensible to misery.
- Chewing candies relieve stress.
- Read book / listening mp3.
- Dont do excercise past you get inject.

There, hope you'll fine.

How plentiful of you have HPV and pre cancer cell and had surgery for it?

No it'd superfluous, and the reason I won't seize it is because it's so new and they don't know if in attendance are any long term possibly injurious effects yet.


Yes, you are lucky that something resembling this is available. Just suck it up and get the plunger!

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