Please record out the dos and donots during pregnancy from the begining?



The big 3:
DO see a doctor/ob regularly
DO get plenty of rest
DO clutch prenatal vitamins

DON'T drink alcohol
DON'T do drugs
DON'T smoke

There are obviously more, but your doctor is the best human being to advise you. Congratulations

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The obvious: Don't drink and don't smoke. You are not supposed to hold caffeine while you are pregnant so if you drink coffee, tea or soda you should stop. You also shouldn't take aspirin, Pepto Bismol or Ibuprofen (like Advil). If you obligation to take any torment medicine it should be Tylenol. Don't pinch the pill if you are pregnant. Don't take any other medicine unless your doctor says it's ok. You should calendar your first doctor's appointment around the 8th week and then they will update you how often you stipulation to come back. Eat sound foods so your baby can be in good health. You can still exercise when you are pregnant but you might want to talk to your doctor something like what exercises to do. Walking is always virtuous. You can still have sex. Don't douche. Take pre-natal vitamins that your doctor will prescribe. For the most cut life go on as normal.

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Always remain clean. Get checked up by a virtuous & preferably lady gynaecologist every month & follow instructins strictly. Long walking in rash morning & at night is required. Don't overwork. No jump , no running at high speed, no brawny lifting, no falling down by slipping is to be allowed. Take a lot of milk & lassi. Eat coconut. Take green vegetables, salads, fruits & fruit juice , paneer , eggs & mutton(if u r non veg). No medicine taking for any problem close to fever. Take medicine like folvite & calcium tablets etc. as per doctor's instructions just. Never eat rotten food even by slightest possible mistake. Eat solitary homemade food & never eat anything made outside. Never do dieting during pregnancy. After assignment, the weight can glibly be reduced. When vomiting starts, ask anyone in the house to rub on the back. When internal checkup starts do not be afraid of that.
Never use ayurvedic medicine as some of then r awfully harmful.
Do not use allopathic & homeopathic medicine simultaneously as it will have dangerous effects. During pregnancy allopathic treatment is the best & is irreplaceable.

Think positive. Talk positive. Watch only positive movies & TV serials free from anger, horror, conspiracy, backbiting, sledging, theft, docoity, extortion, blackmailing, murder, rape, other crimes or any other bleak thing creating a denial attitude & mentality or tension within mind as all those things will affect your foetus defectively. Read only apt positive literatures. Never cry & never be in tautness. Evade anxiety, stress & phobia. All the time be happy & brand situations of laughing but do not crack dirty jokes. Talk sweetly & coolly beside others all the time. Never be angry & lose resentment. Dissolve very small amount of saffron contained by refrigerated cold milk for 10 hours & drink that milk of saffron colour at smallest twice a week to make your child fair, white & wonderful. When belly starts bulging, apply Vitamin-E oil to permit no stretch mark develope as it deshapes the belly, destroys the comeliness of the body, makes it unwavering & looking very impossible. Take rest as much as u like. When movement of the foetus starts inside, falsehood on bed in convenient posture. Sleep near husband & ask him to make u jovial in the bed. Have sex when u perceive to be happy but do it undamagingly without applying much force. This is to be followed by u as ably as your husband. When movement of baby is not usual by break, some day, quickly contact your doctor. Use lose & comfortable clothes preferably of cotton. Never wear tight clothes. Bedroom must be fully clean, airy , comfortable & crack free. Everyday wash floor of toilet beside hot water contained by morning & night to avoid infection from lower side. Do suitable physiotherapeutic exercises regularly as told by the doctor. At the time of assignment, utilize the injection near the backbone by which completely painless conferral is performed. Never walk for caeserian delivery as it feebly damages the body, decreases vivacity expectancy & chances of further delivery. The era of highly uncomfortable delivery is almost over. Be ecstatic & comfortable free from worries of any pain as that does not exist immediately. Pray God for no forthcoming problem as it will give u confidence. Enjoy flawless life as usual. Good luck.

Swallowing a pill?

1. Have sex solitary if your Gynac allows.
2. Take all the tonics prescribed by the Gynac.
3. Go for regular check up.
4. Take four almonds every day.
5. Eat one banana every year.
6. Take homeopathy pills Kali Phos in 30 potency. 4 pills once within a day.
7. Go for paper sonography test to chesk the condition of the foetus.
8. Have regular exercise prescribed by the doctor.
9. Have adequate rest.
10. Do not take stiffness. It will affect the child. For that purpose I have sugested you to embezzle Kali Phos.

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