
I'm using my friends account right immediately cause my mom said i could and i'm single 10 and i need some guidance from someone because i am way to humiliated to talk to someone i know almost the period. will someone please backing? like what does it do? how come you bring back it? whatever article like that?
please help out


Ladies only please? Swimming next to your period?

I would parley to your mom.she will be able to give support to you. You can also check out www.beinggirl.com it's a helpful site, but really your mom will be your best resource.

Please Read.?

Pretty funny how another terrifically young girl merely asked almost the same entry...my best advice, draw from off the computer and bargain to your mom. No stranger can talk to you and take home it sound the best as dutiful as your mom.Please don't always mull over the answer is talking to a stranger, or to someone on the internet. Your mom will do a angelic job, and if she think you're too young after just lurk.ok?
Good luck

Motion sickness connected to period?

okay so when you enjoy your period, you commence to discharge blood from your vagina. this happens for roughly five days. when you are discharging the blood, your body is basicaly cleaning out the vagina. the vagina needs cleaning because the egg and pool liner get older and need replacing. so its nil to worry around, just the body's opening of cleaning itself out

Please Read - Ortho Tri Cyclen Lo?

talk to your mommmy bout this stuff .
you shouldnt be embarassed or anything
after all its your MOM shes gonna do zilch more than help!~

I a moment ago started birth control and had sex lacking a condom could i get pregnant?

Your time is releasing tissue from your uterine lining, and an unfertilized along near blood. When it first starts it may be abnormal coming up whenever it requests but after a while as you mature it will become everyday, and period will develop every 24-32 days, and will last 3-10 days. It's different for everyone and it can very slightly from time to time. But if you know you're have a normal term once a month, and you miss a few you may want to see your doctor.

Back pain w/period?

Your period is adjectives part of your body maturing. If you reckon you are uncomfortable discussion to your Mom, imagine how she will quality when you do.
She is the best one to talk to because your interval (when you do get it) will more closely resemble hers. You will own similar symptoms as I did with my daughters.

Is it conventional to soak thru a pad and tampon every 2 hours? should i send for the doctor?

Ask your Mother. It is a completely natural entry - do not be embarrassed.

Is it menopause?

I know how you surface completely. It's easier to type than to talk give or take a few ersonal things like your time of year! You can get you're time of year anywhere between 10-16 years old. It happen when the lining of your uderus (or where on earth a baby is formed) is shed. See, when an egg is droppd into your uderus and it isn't fertilized by the man afterwards you shed your lining. This happen every month.

When you first get your length you could get it one month and later 3 months later... it could thieve 2 years for yur cycles to become regular.

You can use pads (more for you initiation ages of period) and/or tampons (for your veteran years of your period or swimming). You may want to wear pantiliners when you start seeing discharge (a clear or white goo) in your underwear that means it coud be coming soon. You will want to keep hold of an extra pair of undies and a wad in your backpack within a small box or bag to disguise it.

If you still own questions try checking http://www.beinggirl.com/ and call in "ask iris" to ask a specialist your question!

Good LUCK!!


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