What do you think going on for abortion?


I'm not bulemic but?

I'm pro-choice because everything is circumstantial and there are profusely of greys rather than purely black and white solutions. It is sad to enjoy an abortion in any condition that you might be. Abortion are moving and physical detrimental to any female. Unfortunately a womanly has the end word and we are to be blamed all the time over and over.
I am not judgmental to those who own had an abortion or are just about to have one because I do not know the adjectives story.
For those who are quick to arbiter: Sometimes (not rare at all) contraception is not influential and pregnancy is possible.
I thought about abort my first child but I changed my mind at the last minute. I used to cry everyday because I know that I wanted my babe-in-arms but not under those conditions (not planned), contraception ruined me. For those who are on the same situation as I be my whole heart go out to you. I know how you feel something like it, I know about your mix emotion.
My other two children were planned and I have joyful pregnancies near the two (2) but the 1st one was hugely different.

Is this a fact?

I'm pro-choice; I intuitively wouldn't get an abortion, but I believe it's the woman's right to do what she wishes with her body.

Girls, own you ever been punched surrounded by the lower belly?

I think that the man should hold a 50% say contained by it. If he wanted to preserve it, she should have to deliver and after sign over rights. If he wants to carry rid of it, she should get rid of it or allow him to sign over his rights so he is not economically responsible.

I voice this because I had a girlfriend that be pregnant when I was away for a few months and have an abortion without my understanding. I deserved a say and I would own been competent to bring that child up no questions asked.

If the child is partially the mans responsibility after birth how come we own no rights or say during the birth?

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I do not believe in it. I realize some woman are between a rock and a hard place - but anything created by God is precious. I could stir on - but I do not want to preach.

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absolutly pro choice.

If youre not mentally and fiancially stable and mature plenty to handle a child later don't bring it into a world.

When you get an abortion the toddler is no more than a cluster of cells youre not bloodshed a living breathing person.

Just give attention to of how much youre going to love and the great life youre going to know how to provide for a child in 10 years or so but in recent times cannot do that now.

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it's wrong

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I am against it. A little one has the right to live. The little one had no control over two ancestors having sex...

Killing an innocent child that God intended to live goes against Him.

Also...when a kid gets abort, it may of been that one little one that could of found a way to cure cancer or aids, or contained by someway could of changed this world for the better, but when people are uncharitable.

A child dies.

I honestly don't give if YOU society give me a thumbs down...I speak the truth!!

Why did my length change so drastically?

why ruin a child's life span if your not able to bring care of it. by allowing that cluster of cell inside of you to develop into a feeling, living child simply to give it a horrible childhood after your doing an injustice

Help Please!?

Good Day,

I am really not for abortion so to speak. But I do know that sometimes women do not find out that their body can not handle a pregnancy due to robustness reasons. I hold a spiritual belief as well that I intuitively believe.

I just aspiration they would tell the girls of the stormy part that the abortion can mete out a person. They really start out that out and do not offer them any type of counseling to treaty with the mood, guilt and pain that is to say associated with it.

They do set aside adoption but many girls are afraid to put up with the pregnacy because of parents that would be to hard on them. Disapointment or shame they get the impression they would bring to the family..Its dismayed..

But I also believe firmly in something I own said for years and years... they should use it..


Body wraps?

Basically, I think it's a woman's choice and one she is commonly better off exercising. Society benefits from abortion too in that it alleviates pressure on the adoption bat and foster system, reduces crime, population control, and it allows more women to realize their true financial, educational, and individual potential.

Men deserve merely as much say surrounded by the matter as they assume risk -- i.e., if he shares fifty-fifty in the risk of stroke, heart fiasco, vaginal/clitoral tearing, or other discomforts, later he can have fifty percent of the say-so within aborting or not abort. Men who think they are involved in pregnancy should endure genital nullification without anesthesia. They are not involved until their condition is involved.

Basically, I'm in favor of women always have the right to choose in adjectives circumstances without anything getting in her route. Bodily autonomy all the method.

Gurls only?

I deduce abortion is one of two bad alternatives a woman have if she is pregant and she doesn't want to be. She can either hold a kid she does not want, or abort it. How a woman makes that choice is entirely up to her. Some those will say that have an abortion can scar you emotionally for duration. I don't know about that - I be raped in college, get pregnant from it, had an abortion and would trade name the same choice lower than those same circumstances again (god forbid I got raped and pregnant again) minus any regrets. What I do know is that woman who are shoved into having a kid to any raise or put up for adoption if they don't want to own a kid are definitely scar by it. To those who say a woman "owes" a duty to the world, the sperm donor, etc. to own the kid - nonsense. Many who mull over that way conjecture that child birth is a way to punish other population who they don't think should be have sex. I say kids deserve to be born into a world where on earth they are wanted, anticipated beside excitement and loved, and if you aren't up for it, don't do it.

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I am pro-choice. I don't think it should be someone's birth control though. But what if you did everything you be supposed to, like condoms bc pills etc, and you still get pregnant. What if the mother was doing drugs and the child be going to grow up with problems? that doesn't nouns like a natural life to me. I don't know why other people thinking what a women does to her own body. I also think if men could catch pregnant abortions probably wouldn't be such an issue. And no uterus..no opinion. But explicitly just me.

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I believe that it is very wrong and i do not approve at adjectives! the only agency to consider it is if one was raped bcuz they did not want it to arise; it was forced upon them.bar that case, I'm against it.I be a sign of it's a heartbeat that God has created. If a girl be sleeping with her boyfriend and didn't use protection and didn't want to gain pregnant, it is her fault...everyone have to deal next to their consequences...don't kill the newborn bcuz of one's dealing...

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no dont do one...they are cruel and unusual punishment to the fetus.i ruminate the 8th amendment fights against cruel and unusual punishment...contemplate about it if you be a fetus and the person have you aborts you...how would you be aware of?

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Totally moral. Men should have no influence at all.

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I pesonally am pro-life simply cause I turn to a catholic school, but I dream up its okay. It all depends on YOUR belief.

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You know it's murder. What's sad is that most women who catch abortions are intelligent enough to know that it's a human go they are eliminating. So what does that manufacture them? A good human being? Someone you want to be pals beside? 20 years ago, women who had abortions individual had a small fraction of the information that they own now near the internet, TV and other sources. So, when a woman chooses that direction now (given the info available), that's pretty alarming and it does say alot give or take a few her.

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