OK, I need help with this!?

Can I be pregnant if he did not go contained by? About a month ago I guess I almost had sex. My bf and I approved to try and have sex beside a condom, but he just couldnt find the spot to progress in. I do not know how sperm could of gotten surrounded by me, but when I gave him a appendage job he didn't ejaculate, it be just pre ejaculate he denied he pre ejaculate. After he failed to gain in after various attempts he started to lose his erection and takes the condom bad, the condom just have bubbles at the bottom, but no sperm. He says it is impossible for me to be pregnant if he neve go in. But what do you deem? And yes I am an adult. Last month I get my period, but this month I missed it, and I surface bloated every morning, I am always hungry, and lately irritaded all the time.

I hope I didnt violate anything, I asked this quiz before and it get deleted, one and only this time I deleted some content.

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if you are sure you didn' t enjoy full sexual contact and no ejaculation was made contained by you in full sexual contact you should not be preganat the sperm inevitability to be near the strait to get to the uterus to impregnate you.

The probability are you are just have an off month beside your periods but to put you mind at rest carry yoruself a pregnacy test paraphernalia to find out.

A stinky Girl?

If you got the pre-ejaculant on your thigh or so, it is extremely possible that it could have traveled up. If you're stressed that can also hold an effect on your period starting unpunctually.

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i'm afraid i cant really distribute u a satisfactory answer since the incident isnt particularly clear.. but i dont think pregnancy can turn out from what u described, and i dont think that ejaculation occured any,
however, there is something i would close to to say to heather, she answered u too.. i dont judge that sperms r supermen, u know to travel from her thigh into her.. sperms can swim, sure but they r not that powerful.. in fact they r fragile and a slight rise or dribble of temperature can snuff them. i think so :S

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