
I recently (past week) own lost my appetite, can't think just about food, my stomach is bubbly and gurgly, it feels hollow and the outside feel tender. I have the CONSTANT urge to vomit, as surrounded by i'm always nauseas, but I never do. I took a Pg examination and that isn't it, so I dont know what else would make my stomach hurt/ache/bubble/gurgle/feel hollow, end in me loss of appetite, and constant nausea? Any suggestions?

I Shaved my vagina for the first time 4 days ago. Now I'm VERY itchy down there!?

the flu. Try some Pepto Bismol.

If a woman if 45 and have a tiny amount of bleeding between periods what does this penny-pinching ?

You could just be figting rotten a virus. Take some vitamins, drink lots of water, run care of yourself.

Good luck!

What are symptoms of breast cancer?

Go to a doctor and put in the picture him/her that 'cause singular few of us can tell you the correct answer. You might be asked to draw some blood for that.

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