What should i do?

It burns when i urinate and i have a over-hasty in that nouns...it itches terriblly!! What is it and what should i do to stop it!! HELP ME!

What causes an ingrown pelt?

call the docter and try not to cut into since you dont know what it is for sure. It could have side effects or something.
Anyways continue for a few days and see how it is. tootles


Girls and woman: PERIOD POLL!!?

try going to the doctor sounds like you enjoy an infection

I got this type of discharge what is it?

well something is hugely wrong down there, did you hold sex with someone beside an STD? it could be that, or it just could be a simple infection that the doc will grant you antibiotis for

Bra question?

you did not indicate if you shave the pelt from the vagina...that can cause adjectives of the above problems you are experiencing. when in doubt aim medical evaluations to make sure you own not contracted an sti.

Do u think, I don`t know, she thought I have acrush on her? I dont own feelings for her within that way.Just call for a frnd

You need to see a doctor, it sounds resembling an infection.

My sweetie just texted me and said tomorrow hours of darkness she will strap it on me?

Go to the doctors...you might have a bladder infection...

Cervical inflammation! Help!?

you should step to the doctors!
it may be an infection!!

Period skip for one month?

its most likley a UTI (urinary tract infection) no biggie go see a doctor to acquire a urine test, if it is a UTI they will put you on some meds. thats it. any way you should run see a doctor.

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