Full physical exam, more question!?

Okay I asked a bunch of questions in the order of a full physical I was supposed to own today but it got put sour til tomorow, now I own more questions!
I'm thirteen and sexually live. We're careful and other use a condom. I'm on bc because my mom wanted me to dance on it to regulate my period. Please don't reprimand me for it because it wont give a hand. My mom's maken me get a full physical tomorow next to a gynecologist, my questions are :
1. What will the Doctor do?
2. Does my mom own to be there?
3. I've see other questions be ppl said a nurse is there for the first time. Does she own to be?
4. Will he know I'm sexually active?
5. If he can Know my Hymen is broken, will he know what broke it... similar to could I tell him it be probably a tampon or sports?
6. Can he tell my mom anything if I relate him not to?
7. He's a family friend, so can he speak about my mom as a friend and not a doctor and get away near it?
8. How long should this take?
9. Do I hold to take sour all my clothes or just

Umm strictly for the ladies.?

Hi again! Now that it is clear to me that its a gynecologist, perchance I can help for a time more.

When you go, the doctor might first enjoy you go into his organization (or into the room) and ask you questions (one of them will be weather or not you are sexually busy - this is the part when you could ask him if he reasonably has to explain to your mom what you say to him).

They'll do things that regular doctors do (height, bulk..u might have to pee surrounded by a cup - this helps them incase you own any kind of yeast or germs infection. - you dont need to be sexually busy to get those..) and afterwards he or the nurse will assist you to the room that the exam will be in and you will be asked to steal your clothes off (all of them). They'll endow with you one of those crappy paper things to put around yourself.

They'll pilfer this thing, approaching a probe sourt of, and stick it surrounded by you. they put stuff on it so that it slides in. It does not hurt and they know what size to use (if they know you're not a virgin they'll use a bigger size... etc...) this sounds TERRIBLE ..but its not so impossible. its uncomfortable but it doesnt hurt. They do this so that they can see inside. He'll look around, probably discern inside (i know it sounds super weird and gross) newly to make sure everything feel like its developing properly. They might bequeath you a pap. test which is only just like a tiney article that they put inside you - it has some rough bristles on the run out (almost like a amazingly thin tooth brush)...it collects some tissue taste and they send it surrounded by for tests (mine in actual fact came put money on abnormal once, truism that my cells werent middle-of-the-road...these tests are super noteworthy becuase they help detect cervical cancer and such.)..
I wont fabrication, this part is VERY humiliated. I tense up plentifully so it usually hurts me a TINEY bit (not worse than getting a shot..i'm just a wimp).. its over inwardly 2 seconds. The best point to do is to just bring a deep breath and relax.
and later they might do a quick breast exam and show you how to grant yourself your own breast exams so that you can see if you have breast cancer.

close to i said in my ending answer, yes he'll know the hymen is broken. The nurse should really be there incase he tries to do something 'funny'. Once again i'm not sure if he can speak about your mom or not. Hopefully the answer will be no. Just ask him when you get at hand.

It shouldnt take more than an hour. It might thieve a little longer becuase your a first timer and you own to fill out quality newspaper work.

good luck! and gratitude for choosing me for the best answer last time!!

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your 13 and sexually influential, you probably already know more than couples who have be married for years. i wouldn't worry something like it, just try and stay past its sell-by date the doctor when he's examining you. or just be sure and use protection w/him too.

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You will be in motion in and be asked to undress, completly. They will make available you a paper sheet to cover up.
Your mom does not enjoy to come in if you don't want her to.
The nurse must be in attendance by law
He won't be able to update if you are sexually active, however you should transmit him. He won't tell your mother, but he should know so that he have your entire history.
He will not tell your mother anything, he is disallowed to by law. Feel free to transmit him everything.
It will take in the region of 5 minutes for the exam.

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You will gain a pap test beside all the std test done but only if your mom asks for them...They don't do adjectives of the std tests anymore unless specifically asked for!
No your mom doesn't enjoy to be there..If your doctor is a man another woman nurse will HAVE to be present.
Yes most promising he will know that you are sexually active..don't pretend, you will only hurt yourself within the long run. I know its a scary situation to be contained by, but it is worth it to be honest.
Yes you will have to steal off adjectives of your clothes and put on a gown. Ask them for 2. Put one on forwards and one on backwards that way you consistency more covered...but you will have to eventually start on it to do a breast exam.

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I've personally never be to a gyno, but I can tell you this. Your mother probably will not be within the room. He will examine your vaginal area and he will see that your hymen is broken, but he will not know if you've have sex, or if it popped from a tampon or something else. Also, even though he is a family friend, due to decree he can not tell your mother ANYTHING more or less the examination unless you detail him he can. Hope this helps you out.

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CALM DOWN!! ;) It will be okay! The doctor will ask if you want your mother in that and you can tell them no. The insert this closed duckbill plastic thingy in your vagina and instigate it to see and swab. Thats how they test for any stds or anything of the sort. Its an annual check up that women own to do if sexually active. They cannot and will not articulate anything toyour parents unless absoutely necessary resembling a life or demise situation. Chances are you probably will have to pilfer all your clothes past its sell-by date because when they do the exam they also do a breast exam to make sure no lumps are within. Any other questions?

Messed up interval?

It's a physical, not a pelvic exam. He might not even look at you down there. But if he does..

He is violate the law if he tell your mother anything you ask him not to, and he has no purpose to tell her anything anyway. It's YOUR physical and you are a infantile lady and your mom does not have need of to be in the room.

He won't nesecarily know you're sexually helpful just by looking at you, but he will probably ask you. And you can convey him, you should be completely honest with your doctor, that's what they are nearby for. Once you begin man sexually active near are more things they need to look for and more test they need to do to brand sure you are safe and well. Your mom doesn't have to know around it. But once you begin have sex they like you to come contained by every year for a pap smear to make sure zilch is abnormal down within and to check for HPV which is very exalted to check for.

Usually for a physical they make you pilfer off your clothes and wear one of those composition gowns. Not too fun but the whole piece shouldn't take more than a partially hour and it's really not a big deal.

They will check your blood pressure, distance from the ground, weight, ears, trunk, eyes, spine, heart, breathing, etc... Easy stuff.

Really, you have nil to be afraid of. Just be honest with the guy because unless he requests to lose his job or be face with a lawsuit, he cannot enlighten your mother anything that's not threatening to your life. If you still aren't sure, a moment ago tell him your mother doens't know you are have sex and you would like to hang on to it that way.

Good luck!

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You will be asked to undress and put on a gown. There will probably be a nurse present, but your mother does not want to be unless you want her. If you ask her to wait within the wiating room, the doctor will support you.

The doctor will start with some standard question. Among them will be about sexual entertainment.. Be honest. He won't judge you, he newly wants to help yourself to care of your form. he'll ask about birth control and condom use. Don't receive up a story, you won't fool him. Since you're a minor, he can talk to your mom, but if you ask him not to, and he see that you're being not dangerous, he'll probably respect your wishes.

The process should take smaller quantity than an hour.

If you find you're not comfortable with this doctor, or you don't reason he'll respect your privacy, ask your mon to find you a different doctor. It's quite forgivable that you might prefer a woman for such intimate exams. If this has be your doctor since you were young at heart, it's time for you to get one who specializes within teens or adults anyway. And you should see a gynecologist at least once a year, whether you are sexually helpful or not. A good cross-question for your doctor is if he can refer you to a gynecologist. This will give you someone else to see who is not close to your mom, and will hopefully be womanly.

Good luck to you.

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you have need of to be completely honest with your doctor near whatever they ask you!
and adjectives your clothes do come off

Till what age women will be sexually potent?

The trial stuff about if your mom have to be there depends upon where on earth you live.
You WANT a nurse to be there next to you. Don't have an internal exam minus a nurse in the room. If near isn't one, you have the RIGHT to request one.
The doc will know you are sexually live, but YOU MUST tell him in the past the exam. You have to explain you are have sex, how many partner, about your birth control, EVERYTHING. This is for your protection, and for your own form. Don't be STUPID and LIE. This is not the time.
You also BETTER TELL YOUR MOM EVERYTHING. If you think you are so grown up, you shouldn't own a problem by this. Besides, you will need someone on your side WHEN you gain pregnant or get an STD or HIV/AIDS.

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your 13 and have sex? ccrraazyy

1. he will examine your entire body, clothes off
2. if it is a male doctor she have to be in the room if it is a womanly doctor she doesnt
3. the nurse will probably be in within too
4. yes, he will know
5. you can tell him anything you want and he wont know the difference
6. he wont report her anything
7. possibly
8. maybe 30 minutes
9. adjectives your clothes off

yes it does suck.

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