I basically got my interval today and im having really severe spasm why?

my periods are other with the usual cramps but today my pains really severe. and i dont know why. my flows really strapping and my pelvis feels similar to its being ripped apart literally, whats wrong next to me? i went to the chemist today and they give me night strength mersyndol, and they said it will engineer me sleepy which it did, but it didnt stop the pain so i tried some ponstan and even that didnt work... im so worried as the chemist said my pains not mundane and he said ive bloated too much. im not pregnant as im a virgin.
please help...

Is it fruitless to cross your legs?

Ask your doctor to check you for endometriosis. It's normal but not smooth to diagnose.

What Could it be?

Your growing up and never mind this as this is just a small phase... It'll pass

F U C K sour KFC - everyone knows you own a low IQ that's why "*" are your SCAPEGOAT!

Help, Condoms dont work?

It could be hormonal and it will pass but for see a Ob-Gyn not a chemist. Try a heating wipe on your abdomen.

What is the safest spell of sex to avoid pregnancy?

Join the club. Back when i was a babyish girl i had severe cramps so doomed to failure that i had to come home from arts school. I would go to bed next to a heating wipe on my stomach till it subsided. If this keeps up near out relief desire medical attention. Sometimes a shot of whiskey will help also.

How do i maintain from starting my period when i am on birthcontrol and its the week of my spell?

I had problems close to that, too. It turned out I had endometriosis:

Endometriosis is a adjectives medical condition affecting an estimated 89 million women of reproductive age around the world. In endometriosis, the tissue that lines the uterus (the endometrium, from endo, "inside", and metra, "womb") is found to be growing outside the uterus, on or in other areas of the body. Normally, the endometrium is shed each month during the menstrual cycle; however, in endometriosis, the misplaced endometrium is usually powerless to exit the body. The endometriotic tissues still detach and bleed, but the result is far different: internal bleeding, degenerated blood and tissue shedding, inflammation of the surrounding areas, misery, and formation of scar tissue may result. In increase, depending on the location of the growths, interference with the common function of the bowel, bladder, small intestines and other organs within the pelvic cavity can crop up.

I had to hold surgery to fix the problem. Please ask your doctor because if you do have endometriosis it is no path to live... Good Luck, and hope you feel better!

How can you return with rid of period cramps and pains?

You nouns like my daughter. Her first time is the hardest for her too. She get severy abdomal niggle plus vomiting. I have my doctor put her on Ponstel and she have to take it asap when her extent starts and she is doing very ably on it, and the pain is much more below controll. It sounds like when you are bleeding sturdy that when you have the misery, and let me guess when period the rest of the time ae light.

I enjoy had my extent for 3 months and i can't trust my mom enough to notify her what should i do?!?

Your period will stop as expected

Is this a period? ladies one and only?

Join the club. They've always be painful for me. Just bear some good backache killers and try to sleep the niggle away.

Do ya think a tummy tucks contained by order?

i cant even wages attention to the question after reading kfc response...that guy is douchbag!

and as far as your query.every girl is different and you are normal so dont stress yourself going on for it

Mri- guided ultrasound therapy for fibroids?

When you grasp your period, what is arranged is your uterus is shedding its lining, cause a lot of bleeding and inflammation, thus giving you headache, bloating, and cramps.

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