What is the average counterweight...?

Okay, so I'm 12 and I'm 5' 3'' and I weigh around 103 pounds. Is this overweight? I'm wondering because some of my friends at school are approaching only 80 pounds. So I be wondering if my weight is okay.

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Go to this website www.cdc.gov/nccdphp/dnpa/bmi
Select Child and Teen BMI Calculator
Answer the question (birth date, todays date, boy/girl, height, weigh)
It will transmit you your BMI, the percentile your BMI is in compared to other girls your age, and if you are at a vigorous weight.
Also, homily to your mom about your results, she can oblige you understand them better.
BTW, from what I can communicate you are at a health freight. A healthy cargo is determined not only by how much you weigh, but also by how soaring you are. Are your friends shorter than you, that may be why they weigh less.

I hope this help.

This may sound style of weird but?

Um, no. your friends are underweight. You're not overweight at adjectives. I'm 5'3, 15, and I'm 102 lb. you're fine don't worry more or less it.

Help me please?

It certainly is! Your friends probably aren't as high as you.

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your weights fine in fact its model, your friends are underwieght

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NOO! you are fine.. trust me i go to arts school with girls close to that... dont change. For your altitude and weight you are flawless

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Honey please! if anyone is underweight its your friends. u r fine where on earth you're at. just rationale your friends r underweight, doesnt mean u enjoy to be underwieght.

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look i think ur taller than ur friends

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You are fine. Your friends are underweight.

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im 5'1" & weigh 95...i think your reliable!!

Is it appropriate?

You weight is definitely just FINE! :-)

I'm 5'2" and 110 lbs, but I'm 28. Your counterbalance sounds perfect for your increase and age. But don't spend too much time comparing your body to your friends' bodies. When I was 10, I weigh 65 lbs.By the time I was 12 I be 95 lbs, without getting much taller! As your body mature, you're going to get for a moment heavier for your height, but don't sweat it.

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