My Mum wont consent to me shave at the age of 13?

all my friends shave and i want to but my mum wont let me.
i know that i dont really enjoy to one of those lucky people who isnt fluently hairy, and my leg coat is blonde. But my best friends pick on me for not shaving my legs and for being beneath developed cause im a 32a and im 13.
so my question to you guys is... how do i convice my mum that i want to shave..not cause i hold to but because i feel pressurised to contained by order to fit contained by. my second question is how do i bring my friends to stop picking on me for being short!! help me please!

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If you're desperate you'll of late have to nag your mum or do it surrounded by secret. But I agree beside others - why bother? They're your best friends and they pick on you? Sounds like you necessitate better friends. They'll just find something else to criticise you roughly once you start shaving. Wear trousers at school more if you don't want them to spot. Some people tried to torture me about man hairy at that age. I didn't effort, I wasn't ready to shave. I disregarded them and they stopped, it grew old mentioning that, they couldn't put together me do anything. A LOT of them regretted it actually, when we be 17 and 18 they were adjectives upset because they had glutinous, prickly hair, grew backbone so fast, cut-throat burn, they wanted to try wax or something but for a lot of them they looked stupid near stubble that grew back hastily, they were overprotective I didn't give surrounded by and shave then. So judge about it.

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Some Moms associate shaving your legs with becoming live sexually. Give her time and talk next to her honestly and maybe she'll amend her mind.

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well, you could tell her everything you said here
sometimes it take some pleading before parents
hand over in

you could always shave it in need her knowing
and wear long pants when she's around

or you could wear long pant in school

i know girls that don't shave
it doesn't bother me, and not a soul else really looks
at legs
besides, prickly stubble from shaving looks worse
and your legs could end up near nicks and cuts and dots

if your mum won't agree to you shave this year,
she'll let you contained by highschool when
your a bit older for sure

don't verbs, its no big deal! : )

a short time ago ignore or snigger off at what your friends say
you'll forget this soon adequate, many folks go through this

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Don't shave at all if anything afford the wax a go..But gala dinkem if you dont need why bother.. your friends will end up close to monkeys... they are just jelous that you are disinterested and dont need to... trust me dont shave you will regreat it if you bestow in to peergroup pressure......

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i had like problem when i was younger. The best article for you to do is to either shame it completely, or talk to your mum again. Say something close to, "I really want to shart shaving because people are starting to thought that i'm hairy."
Hopefully she will know.

Good luck and don't worry too much nearly it.

xo much love

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If you don't want to shave why would you it's a pain contained by the but once you start...

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What difference age makes! You can't hang around till you can shave, and I hate it. lol.

Why don't you try what I did when I required my ears pierced and my mom wouldn't let me. (She said if God considered necessary holes in your ears he would own put them there) I had a slumber deputation and invited all my friends near pierced ears over. We all liberal of gently ganged up on her to yak her into it. Got the idea? Your mom be young once too. Just consult to her...she will remember.

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Don't do it too soon you'll regret it. I'm a natural brunette but the pelt on my legs was really skeletal and blonde you could barely see it. Once I shaved it grew rear legs dark brown and thicker than it be before. Shaving is also really annoying, it's not all fun and grown up approaching your friends want you to believe. About being "underdeveloped" you're 13. Some of my friends when I be 13 went to bed one dark with no boobs and woke up near a set of boobs. It'll all come about when it's time for you. Don't try to grow up so fast, delight in it while you can. Trust me.

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hey im 14 and im a 32 a asweal it takes tym 2 devolop u no and da longer it take da beter if yew think roughly speaking it i am now a 32b tho u will grow,as 4 da shaveing i be alout at that age but when i was 12 i brought a shaved contained by scret and shved my legs eneyway and as ur hair is desk light she wont c no difrence..

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Shaving doesn't really support get rid of the spine. It just shortens the length, but the roots are still contained by your leg, and they end up growing thicker.

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I'm naturally blonde (the brown surrounded by my pic is fake) and I have almost translucent body hair. I made the mistake of shaving when I be younger, and now I enjoy prickly hairs and attain red dots on my legs. Your friends should have no bare on whether or not you shave. My honest advice is to leave your job it!

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