Armpit pimples?

aha okay this is really gross but i get alot of pimples in my armpits and where on earth my bra goes.
how can i stop it?!

Is it bleak if your 2 days over your time?

i think it is infected see ur doctor

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It could be Flickritis, it's a type of Staph Infection of your coat follicle. Flickritis causes boils on your skin, after you shave the staph goes lower than your skin causing a big clogged pore. The best way to draw from rid of those is a hot compress. Also If you go to the doctor they can give you some cream and an antibiotic. If it's not that it could be cut-throat bumps and you could look into buying an electric razor. Electric razors backing because they don't cut your hair under your skins surface, that's what cause razor bumps. It could also be clogged pores.

Bleeding and losing mass?

I Know The Answer! Smother it in alcohol and afterwards rub a chicken on it... its my grandmas old recipe when she got spots , pimples and wart on herself. Its a family recipe which has be used for years, since armpit pimples are very common. Especially wart. x

Am I commonplace?

I have not idea see your doctor.

2 period contained by 1 month, whats on? give a hand?

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I am really sorry if this sounds?
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