What Could it be?

Okay, umm like on wednesday i threw up surrounded by the morning. But only once, and consequently the whole daylight i was super tired! adjectives i did was sleep. I couldnt stand up, result in i would get dizzy, surface heavy, and consistency like throwing up. I also feel like i be gonna pass out.
My stomach hurt abundantly also, and i did not get hungry at adjectives. When i ate, i felt resembling throwing up. All i did was sleep.
That have happened to me once beforehand, and i was contained by the hospital.
This time it only last like 1 or 2 days.
What could it be?

Oh and im 16 years, weigh 90 and im 5'2.
oh and im not pregnant

Im one and only 12 and i put on this panty liner. i kept it on all afternoon because i didnt get a destiny to go to the?

Hmmm . . . could be any number of things, but most imagined a mild case of food poisoning. Most of the time, when we carry something we call "stomach flu" it's really mild food poisoning. You may enjoy eaten something that sit out too long, wasn't cooked properly, or just simply go bad. Your body did what it be supposed to and fought off the microbes. Throwing up, fever - your body's arsenal to scuffle off disease; tiredness - side effects of adjectives the work your body was doing!

Hope you touch better!

Hair loss at a young age?

You own a stomach virus.

How much higher are the chnaces of becoming pregnant when ovulating compared to when you are not?

ummmmmmmmmm dance to a doctor it could be many things similar to stress lack of sleep and seriously of other things

I am 12 and i have this chance discharge in my underwear and i dont enjoy my period yetcould this be a sign?

well i have the same point too except i didn't go to the hospital. i construe it's the stomach flu.

People think I am for a time big. It is embrassing to me. I don't think I am. What should I do roughly this?

Sounds like food poisoning or a 24 hour bug.

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