Does anyone elses period slow down at dark?

My period ALWAYS have less bleeding when i'm sleeping. Is this middle-of-the-road? does it happen to anyone else?

(i use pad at night, not tampons)

The interview said negative but i still own not gotten my period?

Yea...subdivision of it is just gravity...if you're standing or sitting during the morning, its easier for blood to flow straight down and out...if you're horizontal during the night, it isn't going to flow out as slickly.

Heavy Periods.?

mine does that too. It's normal, impose, for one, gravity isn't acting on it to come out... think around a bottle of water that's half-filled - when you falsehood it down on it's side, water flows out much much slower consequently when u turn it upside down.

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mine does. i think it is to do beside the lack of movement

Discharge sound out?

yes, it happens to me too. I also wear pad, and Before I go to bed, I double up on them.But after I get up contained by the morning and theres no blood! But then It'll start up again when I go and get active during the sunshine.
I think it is conventional, and maybe your interval comes better when your ebing active, ya know?
Some night, though, I'll bleed heavier when I'm sleeping. But rarely ever

Is It Period?

weirdly mines really unhealthy at night! thats probably because i move around alot

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Mines beefy at night because I move around alot and I put your foot around (sleepwalk) alot..

Take care x

What could this be?

mine is also REALLY HEAVY AND CLOTTED when i rouse up and whilst im sleep

Genital sore?

this happens to me every month,
i am assuming it is healthy/normal

Started taking necon 1/35 28 on may 23 the bleeding stopped for 5 days and later started again w/ bad cramps..?

im the complete converse

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yes,it's normal.i use pad at night too,and like peas in a pod thing happen,and i sleep on my back.but someone told me if you sleep on your stomach it's like peas in a pod as day.i don't know if it's true though.

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it is normal .. even i use pad and happens to me other

I'm 21 and i have no pubic pelt is this normal?

yes it does and it picks up at the morning when i stand up.

What happends when ur cherry pops?

Yes, when you are horizontal, the blood pretty much stays in one place, but when you sit up in the morning, it benevolent of all comes out at once.

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