Sex ed!? I want to know!?

I am a teenager and i estimate i am ready to cram about sex, but due to adjectives of my extra curicular activities, i dont obtain to have sex ed. I want to know adjectives the basics.
ps. I'm a girl.


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If you want, you can message me beside your questions, and I'll answer them as best I can; I reason I know quite a bit, and can research what I don't.

Or you can jump to some good, element websites that teach roughly sex, especially those oriented at teens: (targeted especially at teens) (more practical warning about sex and relationships, similar to positions, techniques, and other tips) (based bad Sue Johansen's sex talk show, which is great if you can scrutinize it- very informative and educational) (lots of different topics) (another one aimed at teens) (this is a site something like male masturbation for guys, but I'm a girl, and I find it pretty interesting- you might like perusing it and recognition what it's like to be a guy, their desires, their mental state, and how they handle them- go and get a better idea of what they stir through) (this is a site about womanly masturbation; browse through it and learn roughly speaking your own body in the process)

These are adjectives really great websites, all of them with really informative, fun (not lately textbook dry and boring) articles, most with interactive forums where on earth you can ask questions or read others', and so on. You can cram quite a bit.

Hope that help!

My Periods Are STILL Not Regular?

That should be something you talk to your mom or a womanly relative about, not total strangers.

Period stories?

can you ask your mom or another womanly adult that's close to you? you can also bargain to your doctor (they keep things close to that confidential).

I just don't recognize.?

funny in your request for information 15 mins ago, you said youre in sex ed... =/

Is it normal that?

Try this website:

I want to hear from women that have have a total abdominal hysterectomy?

If you would like to know various of the questions asked in the region of sex check out the site it is a site geared towards teens and sex. They have diagrams, video, and various question that teens would be apprehensive to ask an adult or doctor within person.



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The man have a penis. The woman has a vagina. When the man's penis go into the vagina, reproduction may occur. Thats only the basics.

Another grill ladys! ?

Talk to your Mother. If that is not an picking, talk to your arts school nurse or your doctor.

How can i gain weight?

Umm... jeez where on earth to start.
See there's this entity guys have call a penis.
Girls have something similar but it's call a vagina.
To have sex the penis have to work it's way contained by and out of the vagina.

It feels awesome.
Condoms next to spermicidal lubricant are especially helpful when you start have sex because you're unexperienced and whoever you're having sex beside might be too. The spermicidal lubricant kills sour any sperm it touches, making your chances of getting pregnant due to a broken condom smaller quantity risky.
It kinda comes to you.
Good luck and don't do something you'll regret! =)

I am getting a nerve block shot tomorrow. its for occipital neuralgia Tell me what i inevitability to look forward to.

You should ask a trusted adult approaching a parent, teacher or counselor. I don't presume this the correct forum to ask about sex since you may find closely of misinformation.

Here is a link for some reading on the humour of sex - which is appropriate for a young character.

How bad go it hurt?

I would have to concur next to the first poster. This is something you should really talk to your mother in the region of. If you are not in a situation where on earth you have a mother to consult to then a friends mom, a church female like the pastor wife, a school counsellor not total stranger sweety. On here you are going to gain a lot of perverted old-fashioned men who are going to say "I'll school you all almost it. come on over baby" and junk approaching that. Get with someone you trust a woman numeral a mother figure if you will and speak to her.

Im experiencing so much twinge wen my partner tries to insert his organ into mine..some tips to enjoy our energy..

Your best bet is to go to a local college may rack up a copy of the film "The Miracle of Life". Most of what you entail is in within.
You can also try a college level Anatomy and Physiology deed, I recommend the one by Marieb if you can find it.
You can get moral information from your GYN, or an ARNP or nurse working in the GYN office. Your conservatory nurse or school counselor should be capable of help--either with a lesson, or give support to you find suitable materials.
Make sure that you learn in the region of herpes, hepatitis, chlamydia, syphilis, gonorrhea, HPV, and HIV...a sexual partner may have one or more of these and not know it. Searching online for these diseases, or for Nursing Continuing Education Units relating to them, will oblige you learn how to protect yourself.
Also revise about Pelvic Inflammatory Disease; if you own sex with a man who have too many partner, he can cause you to develop this.

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it sounds more like you are a horny boy looking to read those's descriptions about this..hunt the web for porno, not here!

Before The Pregnancy Test! Anyone have these symptoms?

here's what you need to know:
be careful
other use a condom
don't be ashamed to go buy them you are freshly being responsible no shame contained by that
don't let any man reach a deal you into doing anything that you aren't comfortable doing. he will live without it.
you should move about look at some pics of STD's that why you know one of the reason you wear condoms when you hold sex.
then be in motion watch some video of women giving birth. that will show you the other reason you should wear condoms.
I'm sure I'm forgetting some things but you'll cram those along the way.

Does your extent flow slow in the wet?

Talk to a parent or other adult you trust almost sex. If you can't do that, try contacting your local health department or Planned Parenthood and ask them if they hold a class and/or some brochures that can help you cram.

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