Is It Period?

I have be having cramps and I own been feelig really hot and I enjoy hair down nearby but I am Only 10?!! Am I going to get it soon?

Having thyroid problems will I be on med's forever?

you won't be sure if you might go and get it now but what i know is that its a sign of puberty, its when you start to grow up into a woman. i suggest you should ask your mum or dad or any your doctor for advice ; )

People articulate i smell horrible but i don't smell anything. i have be to the doctors but they say its within my head


Should I Take A Birth Control Pill?

go to the bathroom and check..ask your mom...maybe you will obtain it soon in a few months or within a year

Do generic pads work indistinguishable as Name brand?

Wow, you are quite babyish still. But you never know. Ask one of your parents to take you to your doctor.

Why most of woman ask interview about period and pregnancy suspects?

probaly im noly 11 and i have it you should hold midol for the cramps good luck! oh and do you enjoy discharge that may be a sign

Unregular periods?

i would guess so, 10 yrs old is that 5th echelon? I had mine in 6th status.

How do i no if i am sterile woman?

I got my term when I was nine years outdated, so it might be.

Does anyone know if taking the drug Fioricet while on Yasmin can cause you to enjoy a missed period?

my cousin have hers when she was 7 so 10 is never 2 young-looking mayb u r but dont count on it

My vagina has these small bumps around it, they do not burn and are not sore. What is it?

It immensely much sounds as if you are approaching puberty..
Farewell childhood welcome to old age .. Now your worries
will start. :) poor baby.. lol

I haven't started my time in a month, and i am on birth control pills. What do you devise is my problem?

your starting early that vehicle your goin to have it soon i have mines during end of 5th order but theres nothing to verbs about but your going to catch it in a couple of months but at tiniest your growing up so theres nothing to be worried roughly speaking =]


It's definitely possible. Don't rule it out lately because you think you're too infantile; in recent years girls enjoy been prearranged to start their periods as young at heart as 8 years old. Don't necessarily focus you'll be the same as your mom or any elder sisters, either- I started at a younger age than my mom and older sister. If you feel you're about to start your interval, your best bet would be to wear thin pad whenever you get the cramps or of late get the sentiment you're going to start, just contained by case.

Do you trust doctors? If not, why not?

You never know. Different girls own their period at different times. I get mine the summer right before 7th class. My mom didn't get hers until she be 16. Talk to your doctor or female kith and kin members just about it. Go to the bathroom and check, but usually, you don't feel hot. Cramps are majority and having mood swings. Best of luck to you and help yourself to care!

I hold sex with my girl friend. She be 6th day after her spell. How can i know she is pregnent?

Girls mature impulsive these days. Don't verbs about how infantile you are.

There's really no predicting this kind of piece. Just keep a look out for it. As for the cramps and the hot flashes; Pamprin does a wonderful post of taking care of that.

Hey women what birth control pill do you prefer?

Yes,it is possible that you will hold it soon.Ask your mother or doctor.

Ladies, do you use pads or tampons?

Girl i am 12 and i enjoy hair and cramps that only means you are 1 step closer and i own had curls for 2-3 years and so you have nil to worry roughly speaking because you usually have your peroid from the ages of 12-15 so you own at least 2 more years i hope this really help.I get hot a great deal just drink more wattery flouids.

What do u do?

i know a nine yr dated who has it

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