Heavy Periods.?

I am 25 ys female (single & virgin) My period in March and April be minimum . and then immediately it has started on 28th May and today is 6th June ...It hasnt stopped on the other hand ,.the flow is also quite substantial ...let me know what should I do ? I enjoy a problem of irregular periods ...Also please tolerate me know what should eat to increase Iron in my body .

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Hi! Well, at your age, your periods are supposed to enjoy regulated. As you say, they aren't regular, so unless it have been a short time ago this year/period of time, you should probably go to a gynecologist to see what's wrong, and I don`t know prescribe you something.

If it has one and only been not long, have you be under closely of stress lately? Or taking birth control pills? Another reason could be a translation of your diet, and drastic weight gain/loss.

As for deficit of iron, what you can eat are lots of greens
(spinach, branch vegetables) as well as lots of pulses (chickpeas, black-eyed peas, lentils, beans) potatoes next to skin, bread made from completely whole-grain flour, red meat, fish, poultry - if you are vegetarian, you are probably ingestion pulses and all, but also include tofu for extra iron. Basically, allege a healthy diet. You can other take an iron supplement, so don't verbs! =)

As for your heavy period... Some of us are just unlucky... =( A birth control pill usually does this trick for regulating also, but also for decreasing the bleeding.
Well, I really hope I help, good luck doesn`t matter what you do :) xx

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You might want to speak to your gynechologist and set up an appointment only just to make sure. Sometimes period last longer than a week, sometimes they are shorter. Get some vitamin pills that enjoy iron in them.

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Eat more dim greens and take a supplement. If you are still that filling this late, carry to your OBGYN immediately. You may want to try birth control pills even though you are not sexually helpful. I had irregular period until I turned 18 and my mother could not prevent me from using them. I have have lighter, more regular cycles ever since.

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I would go to your doctor if it's be that long. Stress sometimes can increase flow time and amount. As far as iron eat fish they are lofty in iron as in good health as green veggies such as lettuce with ominous green leafs if you need a bit of a iron boost the vigour snack bars are appropriate as well. I instinctively like snickers heroic. As far as irregular periods ask your doctor something like options. A low hormone birth control should bring back them on track for you.

Oh , girls whats your opinion of this study ?

To increase the iron level you can eat things resembling spinach, raisins, and peanut butter (if not allergic to peanuts of course) but because you have a problem near irregular periods I would recommend that you hold your dr evaluate the situation to see what they think could be cause this.

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