So I'm on my extent and everyone at work is getting on my nerves?

What should I do to make myself grain better when I get stale work in an hour?

Funny Nuvaring Question?

Get over it! Whine case...

The first time you are inimate with a man is it run of the mill to orgasm?


They said I have PID, but I still dont have a feeling better?

Pick up a 12-pack and watch something awfully violent from Netflix.

The menopause?

PMS. chill

I enjoy pain within my knee pooled, heels, and left buttocks. Is this rheumatism or by other cause? whats the good?

sleep filch a pill

What kind of deoderant REALLY works?

Welcome to my world. Even my bf know to tread carefully around me within times like that.. LOL. my guidance.. eat chocolate.. works for me

What shal i do nearly my back ?

Oh can`t bear that. Listen to music that you love - this always help me.

When do your last time end?

Climb within a soapy bubble bath beside a nice glass of wine beside your favourite cd playing in the surroundings. That will do the trick.

Between period discharge?

I am next to you on this one. I am about to dance nuts and I can't take anymore. i am here till 5 though. Then I travel to another job. Tonight is going to be fun.

Mood swings?

Sounds as if you are suffering from a severely mild form of PMS. Stay off sugar, brackish, caffeine and take extra B12 and C vitamins the week past your period and during the week of your time and also go walking or something to take some exercise in.

I worked as a put money on office assistant to an OB-Gyn for over 6 years. Dr. would counsel PMS women and we be booked 12 weeks ahead so I suggested my patients take these simple steps until we could seize them in to see the Dr.

3 out of 5 patients canceled their PMS consultations and said that following the above, they feel much better.

I think its true?

If you hold a PlayStation or X-Box try a first person shooter - I know I touch better after a bloody <video> massacre. Dogs, cats, ferrets (or any pet) are great listeners - relay them with sharp language exactly how you grain about your co-workers - dogs may look at you funny but cats will totally have a handle on where you are coming from - and you don't enjoy to worry roughly speaking them blabbing at the Christmas party.
Also, try to avoid "road rage" no thing how much other people piss you sour with their weak driving skills - killing other motorists can win you jail time. (Even next to the PMS defense.)

I have be bleeding non stop for 9 months, what could it be?


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