
I was wondering how I could ask my doctor just about her opinion on tampon use. It's drastically embarrassing and I be wondering some good ways to start the conversation. Also I'm fourteen and I dont want to gossip to my mom or anything. I have a womanly pediatrician in a small town where on earth there isnt really a great deal of children or teens. Also I can talk to my doctor, lately not about this topic.

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tell to your mom she be glad you asked...everyone is carred about tampons surrounded by the beginning, im sure your mom be too.
But if you want to ask your doc just say-so i have a few question regarding what i use for my time of month, i would similar to to try tampons but im not sure, what's your opinion on them..and you never enjoy to say time which a lot of girls find wierd adage?

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not just is she a female but also a doctor...why can't you have a chat to her about this. Its not a big traffic.

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well u shouldn't worry grounds shes a girl too..so knock Ur self out :)

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honey, its no big deal. She know what your going through its not embarassing at all and once you do ask her you will be especially relieved you did. I say of late ask her!
Good luck.

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Well, I'd just read out something like" I know it would probably be cleaner and more comfortable if I started using tampons, what do you think?"

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i've never been ashamed of asking or even embarresed.
of late say to her, "i don't enjoy a clue how to insert tampons. i need to know risks and how to do it"

that's adjectives! x

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Try using the smallest one yourself. I am sure u can take charge of it. If u face any problem, u may move about to the peds, she is a girl n anyway, a doctor is a doctor.

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Women only (guys don't be a go into spasm and click on this)?

You really shouldn't be embarrassed around talking to your doctor of adjectives people. What can come about except that you'd get an answer? :) Maybe you can start beside asking her about what would be better: tampons or pad? And then ask her roughly speaking what the advantages and disadvantages of each are, if in attendance are any risks or inconveniences, stuff like that. That's other a good process to start. In addition to that you could newly try each one and possibly you'll like tampons or pad better which answers your question lacking even having to ask your doctor.

Another cross-examine to go beside my problem.. helppp?

just ask her she deals near that stuff all the time

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This is sooooooo not a big deal. Relax, your doctor have seen and hear way more "embarrassing" things in her practice. Just simply ask her what she recommend, and instructions on how to use them. It's her job as your doctor!

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Honey she's a doctor I'm sure she's be asked much more embarrassing question than that. Plus she's a female so I'm sure she can relate. Just ask her similar to this I recently started my time and I want to know which would be better for me to use. A pad or tampon. Simple and undemanding and I'm sure she'll take it from at hand.

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What the hell does everybody on this site find so frozen about tampons? God ethnic group, just find the right hole, shove it in and be done!

Women and sex after babies?

try www.tampax.com they hold answers to anything you can think of and it may dispense you an idea on how to bring up the subject to your mom and/or doctor

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